Potential 10.1.7 Mistweaver Changes

Honestly whoever doing the balancing on mistweavers please fire them!!! Now 12% nerf on yulon wtf !!! And fixed are bubble!!! Rly blizzard i love my monk this the worst ive seen monks in long long time!! How about nerf evoker healers!!! Im soo pissed off makes me want to quit game again!!

If you are talking about the recent change; 100% buff to chi cocoon (the Yu’lon/Chi’ji shield) and the 12% reduction to enveloping breath, it’s not a nerf. It’s a buff, especially in M+. All they did was front load the shield and reduce some of the healing, most of which is wasted overhealing. I doubt people will even really notice a difference.


Lol not in raids it wasn’t wasted and yes its a nerf to raiding… 12% a big nerf yulon… i get to call yulon every 1min how long is the cool down on are bubble??? Yes very big nerf ! Whoever doing monks balancing needs to goo!! Mistweavers haven’t felt good sense legion.!! Now raiding feel soo clunky on mistweavers !! I’m not a toxic person but just soo frustrated with the balancing on the monks!! When evokers and druids and pally soo fare above the rest!!

Those of us who can do basic math know this isnt a nerf.

Those of us who do m+ know this is a bonus.

Chill out for a bit, re-read the changes, compare with your logs and do some basic math to find out how little 12% EnvBr healing is compared to how much more the double Chi Cocoons will be giving you.

You’ll see it’s a buff. No way you were maximizing EnvBr to the point where it wont be a buff.

Look at how much it was overheating - assuming you even MW?


I dont understand what you even mean by this tbh. When you call Yu’Lon the bubbles just pop on 5 people. Currently thats like 500k healing just for pressing the button every minute. In a 5-6 min fight that is 2.5 mil healing, assuming you have that talent. That’s a ton of extra healing. ( Spoiler, deff alot more than your Env Breath is losing in HoT potential - which wont be noticeable )


Oh soo your saying the bubble buff will count for yulon to? Not just chi cocoon only ??

Chi Cocoon is attached to both Celestials, yes.


Look at the talent directly below the Yu’Lon/Chi’Ji node.

Celestial Harmony - Spell - 10.1.7 PTR (wowhead.com)

Specifically this part

“When activated, Yu’lon and Chi’Ji apply Chi Cocoons to 5 targets within 40 yds, absorbing [Total health * 8 / 100 * (1 + Versatility)] damage for 10 sec.”

Around my ilvl ( 445 W/23% vers ) 5 people are shielded for 103k each


Chi Cocoon and life cocoon are two completely different spells.


Is there a reason other than “they were a choice node in the old talent system,” that mist wrap and rushing jade wind are still a choice node? It would be a nice QoL change to have the RJW cooldown in addition to mist wrap.

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No it isn’t.

Holy pally is tanky as: it can take some melee hits due to armour, has high stamina, flat damage reduction to itself and all others nearby, damage reduction to anyone with glimmer, can beacon self for constant heals, can prevent huge amounts of damage every judgement on a target and has a damage reduction on a short cd. Immunities are just a cherry on top.

The main issue with mw in higher keys imo is how squishy and easy to die it is compared to holy. This is a real problem when you are standing in melee and sometimes hard casting.

One example of the damage reduction being so much better on holy is on spiteful weeks it’s a non affix. You can literally stand there and tank the damage while continuing your melee heal rotation. Meanwhile my mw gets 1 shot.

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Spiteful shouldn’t even be getting close enough to hit you as MW. A properly placed RoP removes all the danger and protects the group from them too. I agree though, holy paly need more nerfs.

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Nah other healers need buffs.

Why troll? It’s not really helpful in the conversation.

LOL. Holy paladin is what all healers should feel like. Cooldowns and externals to cover most situations. I wish mistweaver had half as many tools as holy paladin does. If you haven’t played HPal since 10.1.5, I suggest you try it sometime.

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Not a troll. Just saying that you can prevent getting hit by spiteful entirely if you just use the toolkit. You chose a bad example bc spiteful is very easy to deal with as MW. Compare unavoidable mechanics if you are going to compare damage reduction things, because avoiding something entirely is better than face tanking it. ( ex a paly can carry groups into 6 screeches of Y boss, while MW can only go up to 4-5 stacks due to lack of group wide DR’s.

The nerf thing was a joke. I think everyone agrees that every healer should be buffed to where paly is/feels. Will that happen? No.

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Paly was never fun for me when I tried it in Wod/Cata/Legion. Im not sure they are supposed to have tools for every situation, so either they need nerfs or we all need buffs/more tools added. Knowing how lazy blizz is they will just nerf nerf nerf

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No matter how good RoP is, the fact that Holy Paladin can completely ignore stuff like spiteful, or melee affix mobs (brackenhide, freehold, underrot) is an insane value to have - they get to keep uptime on their healing via dps, and access to their melee ranged utility (kick, HoJ etc) - not to mention they have a much bigger radius to kite around mechanics with with their extra range (i know that wasn’t in the discussion, but felt it was good to bring up)

Placing a RoP that allows you to keep yourself at melee range of the mobs while blocking out the spiteful is not a feasible outcome in most situations, also prevents us from using it in other scenarios like tank kiting, interrupting maggots, keeping affixated mobs away from others etc.

Holy Paladins have, baseline, more amour than a resto druid in bear form. It’s wild and a huge part of their brokenness; they are as of current the tankiest healer ever in the game. It’s massive.


Unlike most of you, I’m very much enjoying fistweaving. It’s a very fun and rewarding class to play. Especially when it all starts to click. All the other healers, I’ve played them. They’re fine. I’ll continue to play them. But, fistweaving is very fluid and engaging.

Now I can only speak from a raiding perspective (Some day I’ll have time for m+), But I’m not excited about the mana tea change. I don’t have mana issues ever and the new talent tree is going to force me to put a point in mana tea to get invigorating mists. I’d prefer if invigorating mists and mana tea swapped places.

I understand that blizzard can’t build mistweaver to suit each and everyone’s playstyle; but, as another poster suggested, could Blizzard please take the time and comb through our spells and clean some things up?

Also, if you haven’t tried shaohoa’s lesson, it’s definitely worth another look. Casting Sheilun’s at 4 stacks gives you 12 seconds of extra dps/healing and gives your fist weaving more umph every 32 seconds and lines up nicely with chi ji cooldown and buff duration.


I just want 1 season per expansion where it is like… ‘Ooh a mistweaver!’ And NOT… ‘well no one else queued, I guess we’ll take the mistweaver’

Not all the time, just 1 season per xpac


This depends on how the pulls happen, how many adds are pulled, whether they ran away in fear and died outside the aoe pack, whether you used ROP to stay in melee while being fixated, etc.

I see this as a risk/ reward thing- but mistweaver doesn’t really bring the reward. As I see it our damage, utility, healing strength, etc. are fine. But we bring the weaknesses of requiring melee and playing around the intermittency in healing throughput that results from that.

I think fistweaving is in a great spot generally. But things like fixate, melee aoe ground effects, and reduced throughput when we are forced out of melee (and to move) can quickly become key breakers.