Potential 10.1.7 Mistweaver Changes

The Problem
I believe that Mistweavers problem in Mythic+ is one of toolkit and healing profile rather than one of numerical balance. I think Holy Paladin should be the standard going forward as far as toolkit is concerned. They have excellent spot healing, tank healing, AoE group healing, healing while moving, preemptive CD’s, reactive CD’s, great externals, excellent mana longevity and so on. They have what feels like a complete toolkit to handle all mechanics and damage profiles in Mythic+.

On my Mistweaver, I have found that I often have to stand still and hard cast spells in order to move health bars and that any damaging event that coincides with required movement often means I have no button to press. Being knocked up on Altairus and hoping I didn’t have to heal anyone prior to it so I could save my instant cast Vivify proc in order to have a button to press while I’m in the air feels horrible. Similarly when moving for Rancid Maw on Naraxus or being knocked back on Talondrus, etc. Pressing ReM or EF in those moments doesn’t feel impactful but rather feels like I’m missing a crucial part of my toolkit.

In those same situations on my Holy Paladin I always have buttons to press (Holy Shock, WoG, LoD, Judge, DT, DB) and ways to prepare for the moments when I absolutely have to move but also must move healthbars back up. This is what I feel Mistweaver is lacking. Sheilun’s Gift is great for topping the group when I can cast, so is Vivify, so is Enveloping and Yu’lons but I must be standing still to press those buttons almost all of the time.

The Solution?
I would like to see Vivify become what Uplift used to be. I think Blizzard had the right idea back in beta when they made Vivify instant cast. I think the spec needs it. Vivify should be instant cast but not have a direct heal component. It should be instant cast and just proc the cleave heal on all ReM targets.

Then Soothing Mist should have a Vivify component added to it such that when Vivify is cast while channeling Soothing Mist it procs the direct heal and functions like it does today. I think this solves the issues that instant cast Vivify created in the beta that forced Blizzard to revert the change. Vivify became the panacea and catch-all button that did everything and caused us to ignore the rest of the MW toolkit. I think making it a purely AoE heal that then interacts with Soothing Mist to gain functionality solves that problem while also adding depth to MW by allowing us to choose when we want to heal and move and when we want to prioritize healing onto a single target.

Throwing my 2c on the Mana Tea rework in here. I think it’s a fantastic change and solves more problems than it might seem at first glance. Back in Season 1 I remember complaining that I spent more mana on RSK and SCK in a Shadowmoon Burial Ground key that I did on actual healing (I wasn’t specced into AT). I lamented that I spent an entire mana bar purely DPS’ing from 2nd to 3rd boss and had to stop to drink from doing damage too much.

Playing with the new Mana Tea on the PTR feels very much like it did back in WoD. It’s something you build up during combat and use during downtime and between packs. It feels great to finally be able to contribute damage and not go OOM. It feels great to be able to burn through mana if I want to build stacks, then drink quickly and go into a pack or boss with a full mana bar and stacks so I can play a little more liberally with my mana usage. This is the sort of control over mana that MW has been sorely lacking and I’m excited to have it back in 10.1.7.


I rather have the Mana Tea than what you suggested lol

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As long as there was a talent to replace Soothing Mist, it is not a spell I ever want to put on my bars. Having to constantly press it just to get stronger spot healing sounds absolutely infuriating.


Spec needs a rework thats it not some lazy change like that mana tea nonsense that’s gonna make the class even worse.

Mistweaver not only needs a better kit but a MELEE healer kit.

It is and should of been removed ages ago absolutely despise having to use the damn thing although stronger is probably an understatement like Soothing Mist, Enveloping Mist, Vivify and the right talents can result in some busted ST healing balanced only by aggressive amounts of mana consumption.

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I don’t understand this. How will it make the spec worse? It’s more mana and better control of it?

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And what about those of us who love that part of mistweaver and enjoy the spell and what it does? I’d rather see blizzard rework things a little bit to make Soothing mist a choice node in the spec tree, not remove it altogether.


Reroll to a non melee healer :dracthyr_shrug:

I’d rather they either completely remove the caster aspect and focus in on what mistweaver was supposed to be or split the styles into Yulon caster and Chi-ji Fistweaver.


yeah i love channeling soothing mist and instacasting vivify/eveloping mists as needed. what i DO wish is that they included casting renewing mist into the rotation as well, like it was back in mop and didn’t cancel the channel… maybe even the ability to run while channeling too.

granted, i don’t do high keys since i pug but don’t have the time to play like i used to, but i do raid heal and always have since playing shaman 16+ years ago.


Nah, the hybrid build aspect is the best part.


Mistweaver isn’t a hybrid anymore it’s a mess.

Originally it was a Melee DPS/Healer Hybrid originally intended to focus around Chi’ji the Red Crane but was changed to Yu’lon due to players finding red coloured healing effects confusing.

Now we’re miles behind in utility compared to other healers, have some of the lowest healer DPS, do not have anywhere near the survivability of a Holy Paladin making Fistweaving in higher M+ keys this season a death sentence, awful monk tree capstones, a lot of hard casts and channels that stick us to the ground, absurd mana management issues compared to every other Healer that’s only going to get worse going into 1.7 and 2.0, we’re also a melee healer so we’re tagged to be targeted melee mechanics not ranged caster mechanics and a messy tree thats suffering due to trying to be viable for two different playstyles.

Honestly imo best solution is just a major rework splitting the two a caster ranged Healer focusing on Yu’lon and a Melee Healer/DPS hybrid focusing on Chi-Ji and to be clear BOTH healers none of that support nonsense.

4 August Celstials, 4 Monk Specs.

Although such a rework would probably take time and we’d more then likely have to wait till next expansion which would suck but also guess be worth it :dracthyr_shrug:


Mistweaver is certainly still a hybrid and has been for its entire existence. It was also never a “melee DPS/healer” hybrid. It uses melee abilities to heal and augment other abilities but it has never been a DPS spec. It’s a melee/caster hybrid. Mistweaver also isn’t miles behind every other healers utility. Mistweaver also has more survival buttons and better baseline survival than Holy Paladins but lack an immunity.

The only part of your post I agree with is the awful capstones on the class tree.

This biggest problem this season isn’t X healer being underpowered or lacking utility. It’s that Holy Paladin is the best at everything. Best spot healing, best AoE healing, best CD healing, best mobile healing, best externals, best damage. I think all healers other than Holy Paladins need substantial buffs to their entire kit but I wouldn’t characterize it by saying Mistweaver sucks or is way behind other healers. They’re really only behind one healer.


No it isn’t.

No it hasn’t.

It was when monk had stances pre Legion.

Never said that it was a true DPS :dracthyr_shrug:

An attempt at one yeah sure but it’s a mess cause it’s incompatible with the design of WoW.

Yes we are like you serious? Love to know what all this amazing and competitive utility is we apparently have that would make someone bring us over another healer :dracthyr_lulmao:

Not really no Holy Paladins have heavy armour, can use shields, have an immunity and at least one personal defensive if I’m remembering correctly.

As for Mistweaver we have leather armour, no shield, 3 defensives in our class tree one of which is not worth taking and the others are on a long cooldown and Cocoon if you waste it on yourself that’s it.

No that’s a Mistweaver problem that has been a problem for years now.

Got that the wrong way around we’re only ahead of one healer being Holy Priest although usually when it comes to PvE especially M+ we’re at the bottom.

Delete EF, make CW/CBURST actaul useful buttons and then delete SooM & Clouded Focus and we can start undoing the awful state of the spec (playstyle wise) that happened in 10.1.

The developers experiment with making EF a button you never press in 10.1 was an interesting one, the spec feels much better without it - the experiment with making CF the go-to talent, however, sucked big time. Hope we get tuned around going back to AT in 10.2.


why is a shield considered some major advantage here? it’s an extremely low chance to block physical damage from the front. Shaman get shields too and it doesn’t exactly give them survivability.


As a holy paladin, you don’t have to avoid Spitefuls, as a mistweaver (and any other healer) you have to. Baseline they are just an extreme outlier in tankiness, just like Ret Pala’s who went from the squishiest dps to the tankiest in the entire game.

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I was more on the ‘equipping a shield’ part, rather then how actually survivable the spec is.

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Maybe that’s your opinion but essence font is probably my favorite spell in the game.

Honestly, I wish blizzard would add a few talents around EF to make it a little cooler.

  1. Essence Burst - Instead of having a channel time, it has a very fast cast that launches big bolts at 5 allies and if they crit, then another bolt is fired.

2)Red Essence Font - Having Essence font channel 50% faster during thunder focus tea is lame. Really wish they made it so Thunder Focus Tea causes Essence font to deal damage instead of heal. It would give mistweaver more damage options than crackling Jade lightning and also provide an interesting rotational choice - do I use Essence font for the buff and healing or do I use it for offense?


Of course it’s just an opinion, sorry if it gave up the appearance that it was presented as factual. I’m not against ideas for reworking the spell, it’s just the current iteration that I feel is troublesome - not helped by that current tuning making it so worthless that you never press it.

gods I would give money for that Essence Burst concept, main thing I dislike from EF is the channel.


Ring of Peace, Roll, Leg Sweep. Keeps all spiteful adds away from us. If you are getting hit by spiteful adds as MW you are doing it wrong /shrug