With the release of the new forum system today, we wanted to let everybody know that in order to post both new threads and replies, characters will be required to be level 10 or above. While this won’t impact many of you, we feel this will help to further encourage an atmosphere of constructive discussions and sharing experiences as we want to hear everybody’s perspective of the game and its features.
For a quick overview of the new forums, click here
Some tend to use those shadow alts because there are plenty of people on the forums who like using the armory as part of a red herring or ad hominem rather then having a discussion.
I know it will irritate people who loved to make level 1 shadow alts to reply with, I think it will help too.
Now they have to actually have played the toon a bit.
Why would anybody level a shadow alt to 10 if they can make a DK or DH and not level it at all. I assume Blizzard added this lvl 10 requirement for posting to eliminate shadow Alts, but this rule won’t stop them.