Post Your New 10.0.5 Main!

I pity you for not experiencing class diversity mogging

you’re also in her guild LOL.

people fotm chasing meanwhile i just wanna play boomie and not die instantly


It’s only gotten worse, it’s the same bs design,



why dont you play your monk?

i do i just dont play this one

Man, you are actually stupid.


Sure thing mongo

scabbies #1

Where are you on the spectrum that you can’t pick up on a joking satire post?

Kettle pot black?

You seem to take it personally, so maybe you’re dealing with some insecurities there mongo

Sure, just following me into threads to cold call me a mongo DH, but cover it up with “I was joking all along!!!” :clown_face:

It’s okay, you didn’t get it.


You have a real inflated ego there cupcake

Idk, it’s the second time you’ve responded to me in this way out of the blue in different threads.

Damn, sorry I notice a pattern of your condition getting the better of you.

are you going to cry?

lets see some fel tears.

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D tier fel tears *


You know you’re in a public forum right?

ladies were getting off topic here, answer the question whats the next meta so i can boost


This is fair. I mean I have a frost dk? So
 sort of do? Haha. I don’t know I’m too attached to Druids :frowning:

 yeah I mean I have a lot to say about the whole thing. But whatever. I’ll take whatever iteration they give me and make it work, somehow. Even if they completely fit our talent tree with no compensation :smiling_face_with_tear:

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