Post Your New 10.0.5 Main!

Sorry, it’s definitely guardian druid meta for sure

Your first post in 2 random threads is to @ me and call me mongo when I have literally no other interaction with you pretty much ever.

You also didn’t notice it was a satire joke post, because you’re spec ed.

“YoU kNoW yOu’Re On A pUbLiC fOrUm RiGhT?”

Like ???

Arms will arguably do less damage (less burst with MS when it matters) in 10.0.5 than it does now, while only gaining a small absorb through Ignore Pain.

I think you folks might be disappointed, especially in RSS. A great healer will make or break your experience. A bad healer, you’ll go 3-3 winning with one, losing with the other, not a hell of a lot you can do. Two mediocre healers, you’ll go 3-3 half the time if you’re lucky, 0-6 if you’re not and happen to be the target on round 1.

Survival is fun but you’ll have the same troubles as enh. You’ll have to play a lot better than others on one of the meta specs lol.

Bro, look at my mog. It’s pretty easy to tell I’m not someone who takes things too seriously, most of the time.

You’ve literally given up the goat 2 times now from just getting called mongo, you’ve got some insecurities you need to deal with.

Especially with your reaction instantly being like this

“I am calling you names, haha you must be insecure because you’re responding to me calling you names.”



Been Arms since before most of you shaved the first time. Got the Feats of Strength to prove it.

Ill be Arms after most of you have died and rerolled.

Its a simple life.


What trust rating do you have to be to post pictures like that?

I made a one off comment about something dealing inside a video game, not even an attack, you’re attacking something personal in real life, the former was a jab at the funny of a statement the latter was an inappropriate escalated response.

You know you’re not really a night elf demon hunter right? What your character is or does or how you play them is not actually a reflection of you as a person, you know that right?

3 or beta license. Beta license allows it to be any character on your acct.

The rest of us plebs have to earn tl3 and never get banned or it’s lost…


Above member, I forget what’s it called.

It’s called “regular” or “b-license”

Which apparently if you get beta but unsub they take that… jerks.

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Demon Hunter. After all the nerfs it’s still S tier. Time to roll one and join the party

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Ain’t that the green text?

wait can some of you not post links/pics lmao

No. That’s some thing they added and never touched again (like a ton of stuff).

B-license means the person got a beta invite on their acct.

Allows you to post as a “regular” - pics and all - on all characters without having to earn tl3.

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You got beta so you can even with bans.

I somehow earned tl3, then got a 24 ban for a joke and lost it.

If you go to someone’s forum profile it will say b-license (like yours) meaning you had a beta invite and now have full privileges across all characters.


Oh that’s a ship long sailed.