Post Your New 10.0.5 Main!

FOTM Re roller isn’t something to be boasting about bro.

DH is not D tier LOL, they’re still one of the best melees in the game unless you’re speaking pve which idk.

Says the level ten KEKW

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No that’s incorrect, DH is D tier and I’m just really good at it, okay???

You wouldn’t get it.


What does that have to with what was said. You’re boasting about being a FOTM re roller lol, pretty much admitting to being trash.

probably still this ele…

but my boomy is inching very close.

Says the guy who can’t even figure out how to level above level 10 KEKW

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Reroll trash

Maybe you should try asking in the Newbie Beginner Chat for tips to hit level 11 KEKW


Reroll trashhhh

It’s a fun spec overall. The rotation is definitely more involved then in the past. You have potential for decent burst, though under pressure it can be a bit of a pain.


But I have been told by ferals that ferals have no burst. :thinking:

Noooooo!! :frowning:

Yea, hoping blizzard gives pets a bit more love. I really hate spec’ing into the extra healing, but it’s the only option I have for now. :frowning:

I had a lobby with feral, uhdk, and frost dk… AND I managed to keep Ted alive all 6 rounds. Truely a milestone in Ted’s development.

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I pity all you fotm chasers.

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unfortunately for me i will always play enh. why? i do not know.

Still Rogue, resto druid, resto/ele shaman, BUT i may had arms or survival hunter as my 4th.

those bgs we did a few days ago contradict that???

if you mean the warrior. thats not me.

i haven’t done bgs since shadowlands.

oh wait im stupid for some reason my brain registered you as the shaman copy of scabber because youre in her guild and also a goblin shaman

I see that mongo brain still going strong

except the 2 seasons you were piloted as resto to elite

Sticking with frost. I never play at a rating where the meta matters anyway.

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