Post tagged for trolling

Had a post in general chat that was deleted for trolling but I dont think it merited removal. Can a mod or CS rep look at the original.

It discussed the need for a delay to fix bugs.


2 reasons why a post is deleted and removed

  1. Its repetitive dozens like it when only 1 is needed.

  2. Its unproductive and will only cause further conflict.

Odds are it probably wont get restored.


Forum posts are deleted based on their content.

If a post is found in violation of our Code of Conduct, Forum Moderators will remove it or the thread it is on. If you would like to appeal this action, please submit a ticket.


Yeah it didnt violate any standards and had unique takes on issues.

Its spoke to merit of delays in games and how the benefit the end product.

I think we upset a group of trolls and they just mass flagged the content.


You are a valued member of the WoW community. Hopefully you find the answers you seek.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Mass reports dont gets posts removed hidden yes removed only if there in violation.


Can we wait for a CS rep to let me know what I did wrong so I dont do it again int he future?

It looks like it is a discord community of trolls that target posts/people.

Looks like a mod/admin is part of that group.

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The one about the delay - or the one you made complaining your post got deleted?

Or the new one saying the same thing?

While it’s fine to have an opinion, unless it’s constructive and civil it likely won’t stand. Just saying delay everything by 3 months really isn’t constructive. Reposting or discussing moderated topics is also technically against the rules.


The one for the delay; it had a really good conversation going that was civil and ignored the trolls.

I can understand the post complaining getting removed

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We have a whole forum dedicated to bugs, Akuma. Want to add constructive posts there - gladly welcomed, but just a blanket delay statement isn’t that helpful, especially when it comes across as more of a demand. Text is an imperfect medium sometimes to convey intent.


Yeah so any conversation I start is getting flagged now.

really not going to convince me its not a group of trolls.

The post doesnt violate any terms; its civil… The only thing that makes sense is trolls supported by an admin to moderate any convo they dont like.

I Literally got told that conversations are meant for general chat by an admin…

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The forum regulars know the rules. Each account gets 5 flags a day. If you are breaking the rules, they have the right to flag it. It only takes between 3 and 5 flags to get a post greyed out for mod review.

If there is nothing wrong with the post, a Mod can remove the flags. It does not matter how much the “masses” hate you (if they do at all) - only that you follow the rules.

If you had a topic removed, but did not get suspended, then it is a gentle hint from the Mods not to do whatever that was. In this case, not to make blanket demands for the expansion to be delayed, or to talk about moderation/post deletion.


Theres no grand conspiracy nor will a mod risk there job picking on you.


Discussions about games, are for Discussion forums. Bug reports is to report specific bugs - with enough detail for QA to document, replicate, and prioritize it.

You can’t just demand “fix something” in the Bug report forums or use it to chat. You also can’t use General to just demand delays over “the bugs”.

If you want to do this, document the specific bugs you have found, or post in those threads.

No, that is not at all happening. Nobody risks their job over thread deletion. Never. Either the flags on the thread are valid or not. In this case they were valid. Accusing Orlyia of being part of a mob against you is just … far fetched. She does not even do Discord that I know of.


So what did I violate so I dont do it again.

There 100% is a discord channel that mass reports conversations they dont like… and the mod isnt risking a job, I doubt there is any follow up for a hidden/deleted post.

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You were already told what not to do and I elaborated on it as well.


This has been proven to do NOTHING even if it were true. Unless a post or thread actually violates the forum rules or is no-constructive in some way, reporting does nothing at all to you or to your thread.

You are not a victim of some conspiracy here, despite the theories that float around General Discussion.


I didnt do anything that violated the TOS

The conversation was civil and had good discussion

A blanket statement is needed to initiate dialog.

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That may be your opinion, but that is not the opinion of the folks who actually own and moderate the forums. You can either learn from the suggestions Orlyia gave you, or keep getting threads removed. :dracthyr_shrug:

Your best bet is to just post the actual bugs with the steps and details QA needs to document and replicate them. Just, avoid spamming or adding editorial opinions on the game to a bug report. QA does not make decisions on game design. They just document bugs and such.


It does matter - and the Mods determined your thread was not constructive. That is within their rights to remove. Mods don’t remove threads if they don’t break the rules.

You are trying to push some sort of narrative that is not going to work here.

There is no MOD mafia… again, you are not oppressed or a victim of some conspiracy.

Oh, and making new threads baiting the mods is not a good idea. You were told duplicating deleted threads is a poor idea. You were told referencing forum moderation is a bad idea and against the rules.


No, it’s just you not accepting official responses from Blizzard staff.

You just want to keep arguing your point.

Mass reporting will only hide a post, a moderator makes the final decision if the post needs to be removed, edited or what not.

The moderators control the forum, not some grand conspiracy group.

And you honestly wonder why you’ve been moderated?