Poll: What Class do YOU want to see added next?

Maybe when the dark souls phase is over, I miss AC. All fromsoftware makes now is Darksouls and darksouls clones


Necromancer would be great, but I also would live to see Bard and Tinker. I’m still wanting the chef class to become a reality, but that doesn’t count as other.

There isn’t a “None of the Above” option.

I’d rather see most of the options implemented as additional specs to existing classes plus a few others.

They never seem to put a “No new classes until the current ones are fixed.” option in these things.

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Because the current ones will never be “fixed” according to everyone, people like different things.

Wait, really?

You seem to mistake balancing for fixing.

3 of Monk’s most used abilities are currently broken, as in they don’t work as they’re supposed to.

Demon Hunters glide and eye beam are still broken, stopping half way through for no reason.

Blink/shimmer still have terrain problems.

Pet AI is still buggy as all hell.

This list can go on for quite a while, I’m just giving some random examples off the top of my head.

Never had a single issue with eye beam or glide

Since the blink thing and the pet thing have been issues since 2004, they’re probably not an easy fix.

Most of these fixes aren’t easy, and spending time to fix them would probably take so much away from new content that more people would get pissed then those happy they fixed them.

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They aren’t easy to fix so just leave it broken? Lmao.

GL with your new class pal.

For the most part, yes.

There’s only so much time in game development, or any development really. They have to prioritize things that affect the most people.

Monk is the least played class and many of the bugs the casual players don’t even notice, it’s only when you get to the top end trying to min max that the bugs become apparent. So why would they spend time fixing something that a small portion of the player base cares about.

The blink thing can be frustrating but it’s not game breaking, if it would take too much to fix, why do it over providing new content.

There’s opportunity cost and some bugs just aren’t worth fixing if they don’t outweigh other things.

I am all for dark rangers as well. Ive always thought they were one of the coolest looking undead aligned classes/races

Only if it provides the playstyle of the old survival hunter with things like black arrow haha.

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Ugh…none of those, that’s for sure.

I don’t participate in polls unless I have to but I will post my vote here :slight_smile:

I would vote for any class that wears mail and is physical range. Bards, Tinkers, Rangari, Dark Rangers, etc.

What’s a Dragonsworn? I never heard of it.

I’d like to see a battlemage class that uses arcane or elemental magic, wields 1 handed or 2 handed swords, and is a close to mid range melee fighter. Elemental weapon buffs, defensive magic buffs, a single target ranged attack, aoe ranged attack, and abilities that are chained off each other that you combo as your rotation.

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Definitely Dragonsworn,
Never understood the hype around Tinkers and Bards.

That sounds a lot like enhancement shaman

Tinker is the only one that feels like it has its own identity. The others are all too similar to existing classes.

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Screw a new class, just give me a house, damnit!

They can’t use swords and they’re not mages. They have a playstyle close enough though. If I could be a human or elf shaman that uses swords I’d make it my new main.