Poll over here

No one’s preaching anything.

Or they may remove it in some way because people vote on all of their alts thst they don’t read it or they ignore what was said in the poll and do their own thing anyway.

It’s all up in the air. And I’m allowed to be concerned.

You coming in here with made up drama is nonsensical.

No one cares. Move about your day. We’re done here.

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How about doing a real poll like:

“Should Dracthyr be able to fly? Not soar, but fly.”



Also to repeat from the poll thread itself



Not any more.

I dont even do quests u less i have to.

There is now a purple exclamation marker and idk what that even signifies.

I used to like to at least see the story but once it was renown that ended that journey.

Now i sit in town and just use groupfinder

Quest text has been lacking tbh. After doing the story in df and the blue dragonflight quests. I think the environment, feel and cut scenes with cute voice acting has been the highlight for me personally. The dragon graveyard is still an amazing art team win for me. :cloud_with_rain: :blush:

I like the quest text that makes fun of the game. Things that writers stick in cause they know what players do. Out of character knowledge so to speak.

Yeah I do =) but sometimes I feel like quest are made to understand what is going on without even read anything.

Too pampered by ESO with all that voice acting. I’ll read it back if I care about the subject, but honestly cannot spare the bandwidth for the hows and why’s I’m collecting bear butts anymore.


I do, but there are conditions.

If it’s a main scenario quest, I read all the quest text and actively look for extra dialogue bits provided that it features characters/stories that I like.

If it’s a side quest that features characters I don’t particularly care about, I’m probably going to skip through the text.

No, and we sure as hell know majority of WoW players do not.

If this poll had a “sometimes” option, I would have clicked that.

At the beginning of new expansions (or big content patches) I tend to take my time and really drink it all in… after a while though I start to get impatient and don’t bother anymore.

It’s a bad habit but when you know the objectives will be lit up like Christmas trees on your map anyway, plus you have a bunch of daily/weekly chores you want to get to, you just take the path of least resistance I guess.

Funny thing is I don’t really like how it feels when I rush. It’s not fun. But human psychology is wild, weird thing so I keep doing it anyway.

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All the people who don’t read quest text are often the same people who say the game has ‘no lore’, because 90% of the massive amount of lore in the game is from the quest texts.

Please do not remove or ruin the quest texts, and all the lore thereof for all those that do enjoy it because of the non-quest text readers. They can continue to ignore most of the games lore as they do, and everyone else can still enjoy the story and lore they know from reading all the quest texts.

Not anymore. The lore has gotten so bad that there’s not much point in reading the quest text.

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I’ve never read a quest text before. I did loremaster title in MoP days on my other account, and I’m not that far from lore master on this account, and I have read exactly 0. I like the story to be my story, I give zero craps about what the NPCs are up to.

Link doesn’t work.

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Nice catch on that the poll link inside the thread title doesn’t work (likely since that ‘poll’ is the actual poll on the thread, so not technically a hyperlink as the forum shows it as)

But just click the thread name above that and it will take you there, above or here

I don’t read quest text anymore because it isn’t worth reading. The writing is so garbage it makes me angry.

Click the “Poll: Do you read quest text?” link.

I hope this is just a casual poll, and not like gauge to see if they can be significantly altered. It’s either read it, skim it, or ignore it, all up to you. And that’s perfect as it is. :o But yes, I skim, unless its very important or especially to my interest.

Because they only answer what they want, and it’s radio silence about the rest.
This poll isn’t the first step in better communication… It’s a one-off like every other time.

It’s the same reason their “Live Q&A’s” were such abject failures. They picked all the softball questions and then wasted time even more because Josh would just parrot back whatever Ion said.