Poll: Do you read quest text?

I read quest text the first time through, but skip on subsequent playthroughs.

Please don’t introduce more talking heads if the “no’s” win out. At least not without an in-game option to disable them. They are super annoying.


Normally no I don’t

But now with the Voiceover addon I’m finally knowing 99% of the story. It’s made me more immersed with the game :slight_smile:


Depends if I’m interested in the story. I always read titan related quests


First time though - yes. After that not so much.



It really depends. When a new Xpac drops and everything is new and fresh I try to immerse myself that way by reading the quest.

But when I am leveling an alt and doing the quest for the umpteenth time, no I do not.


This is an MMORPG. Story and quest text are important. Let’s not find an excuse to remove the RPG part, please. Polls like this scare me.


if its a “collect this” or a “kill this many” quest then no. if its a story based objective then yes.


I hope the takeaway from are either or both of:

  • All quests are voiced
  • Blizz allows AI addons so we can at the very least just generate voices for quests ourselves

Allow players to choose how they consume the content - text or voiced.


Dragonflight is the first expansion that I didn’t read the quest text through the main story. I just skimmed through most of it to see what the objective was.


I haven’t cared about the story of WoW since Wrath so I don’t bother reading any of the quests and from what I gather just seeing people talk about what they have seen I’m glad I don’t waste my time reading them.


Scary question.


I do read them, especially the 1st time even though I chose the “What was the question?” because I thought it was funny.


I do. Because I want to fully understand the story.


For the More Major Storylines, yes. For the “Wanted Sign” or “Go kill X pigs quests” … no.

First play through, yes.
After that, nope. Unless someone points out that the quest has some bad grammar and I need a laugh.

I read it to get the gist but i don’t scrutinize.

Shadowlands was the 1st time I’ve done that. I don’t do it always though as I usually like the smaller, side quest line stories.

Yar, I read quest text.

It’s how I have found spelling/grammar errors in past betas before lol.

… Do I need to mention that I think Arthas would have liked to read quest text? Especially the ones that led to him becoming a puff of powder, Blizzard.

When the story is good. Still waiting for that to happen in DF.

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I would very much like to answer an enthusiastic “YES!”, but I fear the centaur history quest proved to me that I’m just skimming it over and not really absorbing the information.

WoW has taught me over the years not to linger with a quest box open - the NPC might move away or a mob might aggro me, so I’m trained to be in a bit of a rush to pick up or complete.

Also, I don’t enjoy trying to decipher instructions from quest text - partly just because the parts of my brain that play this game tend to be more geometrical than linguistic.