Poll: Do you read quest text?

Copied from the main thread:

I do, but there are conditions.

If it’s a main scenario quest, I read all the quest text and actively look for extra dialogue bits provided that it features characters/stories that I like.

If it’s a side quest that features characters I don’t particularly care about, I’m probably going to skip through the text.

Sometimes. I do try to read when first doing the content. Especially if it’s a new expansion. The main story line quests distinction really helps here.

All the people who don’t read quest text are often the same people who say the game has ‘no lore’, because 90% of the massive amount of lore in the game is from the quest texts.

Please do not remove or ruin the quest texts, and all the lore thereof for all those that do enjoy it because of the non-quest text readers. They can continue to ignore most of the games lore as they do, and everyone else can still enjoy the story and lore they know from reading all the quest texts.


honestly, i usually don’t. i’m glad people write it and i appreciate that they worked so hard, but it’s just not interesting to me. i’m not into lore and just play for endgame stuff with my pals :slight_smile:

Sometimes. But if i see a 0/12 the moment i pick it up im not reading im going to yhe area it says and killing the things

Cause thats my assumption of what the quest is lol

I used to read the entire quest text also.

But it became tedious, and nowadays, I just look for the yellow arrow to tell me where to go. When I arrive, I scroll over the minimap and it tells me what to kill or collect.

Plus, I have so many alts. (I’m an altoholic!) Reading the quest for each of them seems silly when I can almost do them from memory.

I’m hoping we’ll have narrated quest text in the future, or quest text that is more engaging. I enjoy FF14’s style.

I always read the quest text the first time I play through a story. Depending on the story and quests, I may do it on alts. After a few times through, however, I’ll stop doing it unless it’s a really fun/funny quest such as Welcome to the Machine in Hillsbrad.

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Definitely the first time through, and whenever it changes due to context like different factions or races. After that it gets skimmed at best.

But let’s be honest. Blizzard knows exactly how much quest text we read. :wink:

I skim and glance, so it would be a yes. I would rather it be there then not, it often has important details. Please don’t remove or shorten it, just leave it alone. It lets everyone approach it as they like.

I hate leveling to begin with, and I’m not a fan of the constant quest lines to unlock what I need for gear/rep/crafting in order to get to the content I like, so I do those things as fast as possible. I don’t read much of anything and haven’t really felt the desire to follow the story for a very long time.

As others have said, I read them the first time through on my main. On my alts, I tend to skip a lot.

I love the voice-acted talking head quest-related notices, but I would really appreciate a way to disable those in per-character options, so I can have it enabled for my main, but then disable it for my alts (and my main once I’ve completed the campaign quest-line).

I highly doubt that’ll happen. I figure this is more of a question of whether or not quest text should be narrated.

I do the first go through, which seems to make me one of the slowest to level in the guild on expansion releases.

Sort of hate the rush at the start to level to max then start banging it out in dungeons in rates.

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Another great example about why those interview questionnaires some employers require you to fill out are terrible.

This is NOT a yes or no question for me. I sometimes read quest text. It really depends on whether I find the quest interesting or not, and if I am invested in the storyline the quest is a part of.

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I went for the jokey response, but for real, I skim. I scan it for the feel of the NPC’s personality and setup, but when it gets to the actual details of the “Collect 12 boar butts and put them in a pile” I zone out and figure quest markers will tell me what to do.

And then they don’t, and THEN I read the quest text in detail.

And then the detail doesn’t help, and I go to WoWHead :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I read it the first time and read it again with a toon if it’s been a while since I’ve read it.

Mostly stopped, perhaps only a few occasions I’ll read.

The old format is not interesting anymore. I’d love to have interest quest text that is voiced. That helps set the stage for that thing in particular.

The text also just isn’t good, then you see ‘‘go kill x thing’’ ends up being anti climactic. Hence why I just go straight to the objective.

What could be the outcome of such a poll?

Hopefully not all quests just become ;

“Hail Champion (or whatever weʻre gonna call you this expansion) Follow the quest markers and do the thing!”

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I start reading the all the quests, but after 3 or 4, I just skip them.
Voice acted quests would be nice.