As many have said here already, this choice will be determined by which one is deemed the best by DPS simulations. Which is why it is clearly a problem, especially considering you will just nerf the one that everyone chooses, forcing everyone to have to go through the struggle of swapping.
I WANT Necrolord. But I’ll choose whatever covenant is significantly higher. If they’re all close… Necrolord all the way.
So sick of the hype machine, honestly.
Streamers and content creators pushing out hundreds of videos about the minutia of the expansion already. Now this… who cares what these factions are about or up to yet? Really looking forward to any 1/4 of the playerbase having the same overblown back piece though, seems legit
Who has my allegiance?
Sylvanas, always.
what is fun about being locked into a covenant? also, you arent even locked into it. you can swap, you just have to grind to be able to swap back, which is the unfun part. please enlighten me on your definition of “fun” because i would love to try to understand your reasoning behind it.
Hopefully not “everything”, they’re not here yet but I’m already way too attached to the Maldraxxus mail boots as the subjectively best mog the art team has ever made for Hunters
There is a difference between being punished and being at a disadvantage.
If Blizzard ends up scrapping the abilities because a few people chasing the meta dragon complained it’s going to ruin it for everyone.
These abilities are meant to be different and reflections of the covenant, the choice, YOU MADE. But people are complaining and wanting them either homogenized or scrapped and it’s taking out a huge part of what makes Shadowlands and the Covenants interesting.
Hint: anyone using the term “vocal minority” is well aware that their opinion is not held by the majority, but wants to convince us it is.
I’m sure I will regret whichever one I pick, and then I will be forced to rage quit.
Can’t debate the point, attack the person making it. Nice.
I think you are confused. I do not want the abilities or covenant system to be removed. I simply want to be able to swap depending on the content I am doing, but would very much prefer to be tied to a covenant if possible as I still find that part of the system enjoyable.
There is never really a choice in this game when you are doing group content. You either have the best stuff for your class or you don’t. If Paladin A chose the best covenant and Paladin B chose the worst covenant for the class, who are you going to bring? These choices work in single player RPG’s, not MMOs.
Being punished is being at a disadvantage and taking away player choice. You are reading in between the lines way to hard.
I mean from my perspective of life “fun” for me is doing what I personally want to do, otherwise it’s a job or a chore right? Most people view their jobs as something they “have” to do to make money; this is because for most people they don’t get to “pick” their jobs, anymore than they can pick their family or what their name is at birth on the certificate. Fun is subjective, but for me it’s killin stuff while exploring and experiencing new things and looking as awesome as I can while doing it: blowing off steam.
If the choice you made makes you at a severe disadvantage of not being able to play the game the way you want (not being able to join certain groups, beyond just “the highest level or not”) then it stops being fun. Nobody has fun NOT getting invited to groups.
These are completely valid fears and they definitely can kill interest in the expansion for a sizable amount of players.
Then why even give choices? What’s the point of Blizzard coming up with these unique ideas for each covenant if people are going to be like “I wAnNa Be LiKe MeThOd” and choose what’s “optimal” instead of what’s fun?
Can’t make informed decision yet, don’t know which one is most dps yet.
I should hope so. I’m just worried that’s not the case. And the poll data is made hard to read because the voting can be skewed by any number of things that aren’t about relative power. I agree regarding Door of Shadows, though, that’ll probably have an impact.
I’m not some min-maxer obsessive, either. I want them to be more inclusive with abilities SO I don’t feel pressured to do anything but pick my roleplaying prefs. Player power and aesthetic/flavor/story should never be at odds.
I don’t know which of those is going to sim the highest, so I can’t choose.
Hard to find the player agency in choosing something for the aesthetic when you tune Mythic content the way you tune it.
I see you are part of the vocal minority and desperately trying to keep from losing that claim.