Poll: Choosing a Covenant

lmao “fix something i haven’t even tried yet” yeah they are listening to that opinion…

We’ve seen others experience it and give feedback. Testers stream and do reviews.

It’s possible to be knowledgeable about things you hadn’t done personally. It’s called research.

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If you can swap covenants freely, then your choice doesn’t matter, does it? You’re a part of all of them.

Well, why don’t we just bring back the Aldor/Scryer switch mechanic?


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So the answer is, players want all of the options with none of the consequences. Got it.

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I don’t care if we get the possibility of changing Covenants or not. I’ve already chosen the Covenant of each of my characters.

All those who will go Venthyr for the numbers… boy, the day Blizz nerfs them the forums will be filled with rage :joy:

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And to what extent did aldor and scyer impact your players power? Wasn’t it just like a couple of different enchants? Not a strong offensive CD and a movement /survival button?


This poll makes a fatal assumption that I wont be trying ALL of the covenants on different alts. My first one wont make any decision until I get through the walk-through of all of the covenants

Lmao seriously. People act like there will never be balance updates and status quo never shifts in WoW

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But to me, doing that means covenants themselves are worthless. I want to be semi locked into my choice. I want to have covenant “loyalty” if you will. But not at the cost of gameplay. The covenant abilities are basically talents at their heart. Why not just make them talents whose appearances change based on your covenant of choice.


Not entirely. I want all the gameplay options, yes. Locking people out of gameplay options is bad. Freedom of choice in gameplay is a good thing believe it or not. Talents aren’t a lock in choice, covenant abilities are talents by a different name.

When I pick a covenant the consequences should be that I don’t get other covenant questlines, mog, mounts, or pets, not that I get locked out of gameplay options.


I see you are a man of culture!

For me … the only one I dislike are the Necrolords. Sorry, but I’ve just never found zombies and rotting flesh all that interesting.

While I sympathize with the “i want to help them all and earn all their stuff” crowd and would happily see the covenants become traditional rep-based factions with more traditional rewards-

This is my personal feeling and stance.

Let my gameplay be separate from a meaningful plot choice with plot-related consequences. I CAN APPRECIATE the Allegiance storyline. I CAN’T APPRECIATE it locking me into talents that may not work for my play style of a given character or keep me from participating in certain aspects all together because “you can’t do x with that class/covenant combo”.


Yea I was planning on playing paladin. Divine tol looks like a lot of fun but night fae seasons is broken levels of op in raid so that sucks.

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I have seen enough!

Make these covenants a new talent row.



Do not make this mistake!



Shadowlands is going to start off the wrong footing if they go through with this.


So… what is it locking you out of, exactly?

Especially for a paid subscription game.

The level of disrespect the developers and this company continues to show its customers is mind boggling.