How does sbeing able to change but not changing take away the value for you? Wouldn’t it add to the value since you are choosing to stick with the same one?
The value for us comes from others being punished by not being able to change freely.
I’m not really sure yet. While nice, the Druid covenant abilities aren’t as cool as some of the other classes for the covenant I like. So that means not playing my main at the beginning of expansion for the first time ever.
Then there’s the whole picking a covenant you like verses under performing covenant abilities. No offense, you guys haven’t been too good at balancing out classes and specs in BfA.
This was about my own expectation tbh. I didn’t have much hope for bastion :x
The two covenants with powerful mobility signature abilities are top by a mile? Imagine muh shock!
Night Fae. Love me some nature and fae themes.
It actually doesn’t. You can role play not changing your covenant. That’s role playing. You don’t go to a game of DOTA and start trying to make your characters talk cause that’s not the type of game it is.
I havent even bothered looking at the abilities yet, Venthyr just looks wise is way cooler and more unique than the other convenants tbh.
Right - that’s what some casual players have noted; commenting on how a flexible system wouldn’t impact their ability to roleplay.
But that would take away the value I get from the current system - since players that would want to switch wouldn’t be punished.
The reason why many of us like the current system is because it punishes the non-RP players - without any actual benefit in exchange.
That’s pretty crappy of you
Well, I appreciate your candor and honesty. But I’m just trying to share the value a lot of us get from the system as-is and why we don’t want it changed to be flexible.
Kind of the whole point of these forums.
There are other ways to “punish” players without impacting performance. You could provide incentives via cosmetics for staying true to your covenant, etc. You could make your covenant provide world benefits by allowing access to fast travel circuits in their realm.
Edit: Heck you could even open up new story lines by staying true to your covenant, literally tying this into a more RPG experience by varying your experience based on your choices.
Just don’t link it to performance… Cause the players that don’t care about the story aren’t interested in being forced to be sub-optimal for “reasons.”
Except your last statement was: I like it because it hurts you… even though it doesn’t help me. It hurts you… so it’s good.
Which is just… wth is wrong with you?
Do I need to reiterate that we didn’t create the system?
We’re completely entitled to value whatever we like. I’m trying to respectfully share that value as an argument for why we don’t want it changed to be flexible.
You’re acting like I’m the one actually doing the punishing.
it makes me happy to see people still have the energy to fight stupid systems like this, personally im exhausted
No, you’re the one on the side line cheering on the punishment. Note I only use “punish” because you did.
Either way, I find the reason you “like” the system pretty abhorrent. The way that line reads in that post was: I like it. Why? Because it hurts you.
To which I respond with: /spit
Edit: FYI, you fit your guild name well. Keep it up. /ignore
Well in the end, Blizzard will probably stick with the system as-is - and I’ll be sitting back with popcorn enjoying the suffering across all the try-hards.
There’s no way they’ll change it just because a bunch of you guys are voicing your opinions on the matter.
Oof. My choice came last.
Sounds like what they did with BFA alpha and listening to everyone complain about how terrible Azerite gear and traits were.
They changed azerite gear, it just took them halfway through the expac. I seriously doubt as many people will wait that long this time.
Designing a game to please people who just want to see other people inconvenienced is a great way to kill a game.
They can’t even make a poll fun.