Poll: Choosing a Covenant

Except that’s entirely false. The males and females use the female vrykul rigging. Otherwise known as the Val’kyr rigging.

The Kyrian aren’t… well… big.

This is probably the reason.

Bastion, or Fae.

Although I like the idea of my elf weaving the arcane harmoniously with nature like the High elves who created Quel’thalas, which is a fitting theme for the Fae mage covenent ability, which uses arcane, and nature magic to attack nearby enemies.

Bastion would be more appropriate for a holy paladin or priest.

Im surprised that Bastion lost. I honestly thought it would be an easy second to the Edge Lord try-hard covenant.

Night fae: not because I want to but my DK is slow as ballz and needs the mobility.

Human male paladins living in their own universe.

Nothing surprising here


panda makes me giggle.

Give alliance the thin Kultiran models as an option for Kultiran character customization and I’ll play any covenant.

I think most people are thinking way too much into this poll. Blizzard isn’t going to balance or nerf anything based off a poll in the general discussion. They’ll use internal numbers to make that call. I wouldn’t sweat the poll that much and just pick the covenant that you like most. Worry about the balance part when people can truly test them.

Kinda just thought this poll was for fun and nothing else.

only 1748 votes I’m not sure if you can use multiple alts to inflate the numbers

but yeah expected it was venthyr.

I never once said anything in my post that other players held my views. I will not choose something that I feel negatively impacts my gameplay. If you don’t like that, well, too bad.

Oh, man. I wasn’t expecting Necrolords to be that far from Venthyr and Night Fae. My main’s going there.
And of course I’ll try to set my alts to try every covenant.

If I was a “HMP living in my own universe” then I would have thought Bastion would have won hands down.

I just thought that all the armour sets of Bastion and the wings for the back slot would have made it an easy second place to the Edge Lorde brigade (which FYI is the one I voted for… I want my Paladin looking more like a fallen Paladin than a zealot of the light)

I hope you’re joking. You are happy that people who want to be the best or pick what they personally feel is best for them will be heavily restricted? That is so sadistic. Why would it feel you with glee that others are going to be frustrated because they’re the kind of people that like to be flexible or optimal, just because that may not be how you want them to play? Man, that is so messed up.


Not joking at all. It’s nothing personal either.

Many players feel the same. Argorwal, Ralph, myself, and various others all favor the punishing nature of the current system.

As others have noted - it hides behind a thin veil of a “player agency” argument, when in reality it takes away much of the potential player agency and choice players could have.

Why do you think so many people on these forums and on reddit have voiced against the system?

For those of us, as you stated, on the sadistic side of things - we want the dev’s to keep the system as-is specifically because the value we get from it is derived by others being punished when they don’t need to be.

“It’s nothing personal.” You just don’t like how others play, and it makes you happy that these people will be restricted. That’s messed up, champ. Nothing else to say here.


I mean we’re just enjoying the system - we didn’t actually design it.

I’m not sure why we can’t have our opinion on the matter and voice what we value just as everyone else has voiced what they value.

Wow I am honestly shocked the edgy vampires won.

I thought for sure the results would be the exact opposite of what we got.

They have the best generic ability so they are always gunna win

Until its nerfed to the ground in beta or 9.0.1 that’s why I dont pick based off of abilities.

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