Poll: Choosing a Covenant

I want to pick night fae for blessings but you designed it so that you have to recast the blessing everything 15 seconds and then the right blessing stays up for 60 seconds repeat.

Just give me four blessings that last an hour.


Has anyone looked into which is the best sim yet for the various specs? Until that is clear, I can’t vote on anything. Cosmetics are great for rp realms, but for some of us we will be required to use the best sim one.

Predicting this borrowed power grind system of covenants will be the single thing people HATE about SL besides not fixing bad classes and specs and the retention of over aggressive GCD.

A far better system would be cosmetics ONLY and a universal tree of extra talents to fix the bad talent system some classes and specs have been waiting for actually solutions for xpacs now. One grind for the power, and it does not matter which covenant you pick. How can the entire dev team not understand?

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No, covenants are a story/aesthetic system with gameplay features tacked on. Covenant abilities are talents with extra steps. And if legion legendaries are any indication, covenant specific legendaries will potentially be worse than the abilities are balance wise. I don’t want to have to have a certain aesthetic in order to have fun gameplay, or have worse gameplay to have a fun aesthetic. More choice isn’t a bad thing.

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Currently kyrian has the worst ability for ret for ST probably a dps loss on ST since last I checked it was on the GCD.

The D&D from venthyr is also worse on a 4 min cd.

Necrolords are meh at best.

Nightfae seasons are under the GCD each season so you have to waste a GCD every single time you change seasons.

I’m pretty fed up with ret getting the short end of the stick again… not like pve wise bfa wasnt bad enough for ret.

So basically right now I have to go venthyr for the teleport the aoe is just an extra mostly for the teleport.

You’re simply wrong though. That’s why you’re on the wrong side of the conversation. You’re simply wrong. You don’t understand what Covenants are.

Opinions aren’t right or wrong, but that’s a nice try.

I understand that currently they are an expac killer.

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That is not true at all. It is a grind system for borrowed power again through gaining talents and power (call it whatever you want). Yes you get some nice perks with each one, but one will be best for the content you play. It is not all about gameplay, in the end it will be sims. It always is. They are simply making the mistake to take a cool idea and tie it to power.

^ Agreed. Just enjoy the poll! It’s community feedback, simple as that.

And you can choose any of them you want. If your choice is based on M+ then it is your choice to do so. I for one will be going Venthyr because they look awesome!

For me it is all about gameplay, but also aesthetic. I don’t care about sims that much. I want my covenant choice to matter, as in I want to stick with one for the whole expac. But at the same time I want freedom of choice gameplay wise. I want to be able to pick my talent without changing the whole aesthetic and grinding everything out again.

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lol then choose another Covenant than the Kyrian’s if you don’t care for Bastion’s? Overreact much?

I agree with you it is blizzard that is not understanding the dynamic of choice they are making us invest in.

Do I pick the one that looks nice and has some cool extra non-gamebreaking perks or do I pick the one that will help the content I enjoy and it will be expected of me to get into M+ and raiding?

I am fearful of picking the wrong one and more fearful that when I do pick a good dps sim one, they will nerf it and I am stuck.


^ This. Like, really dude? No one is forcing you into a Covenant. IF you choose one based on what you enjoy doing - M+, PVP, PVE, etc - then you choose that one because it’s what you want and clearly it will bother you going any other way.

Im making the decision off of aesthetics - and part class fantasy - and I will still be able to do all the things I want and need to come lvl 60 and end game.

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They are one of the best parts! You kidding me?? Venthyr all the way!!

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Yeah the amount of mental gymnastics and helpless victim syndrome is disturbing.

What if the one I want for gameplay has an aesthetic that I dislike, or the one with the aesthetic I like has bad gameplay? No good choices. If they implement the system as is it will be worse push back than azerite gear was, and they spent half the expac trying to fix that as it is.


The one that gives me the best DPS for the content i’m doing


Honestly i really wish they would scarp this system and work on class design and work on talents. Gets really old having to wait for borrowed power for a class to feel better…


That was my initial thought, too! But, mercy, the Night Fae class ability feels utterly amazing thematically as old school paladin aura/buffs - and seem quite powerful, too. I could imagine running a couple paladins in a raid to have overlap on those buffs. (assuming there isn’t some kind of ‘seasonal fatigue’ affect, impeding this).

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I am not confident your understanding of the choice is fully developed. For some players the choice will be determined by what tmog they like, for others they will not care at all, and for still others it will solely be based on which covenant has the best talents for their class/spec.

It still remains to be seen if they will buff or nerf the talents.

It still remains to be seen how much those covenant talents are designed to fix bad specs/classes.

It still remains to be seen if each spec can have its own covenant.

It still remains to be seen if these talents will even be worth it in actual game play.

The big mistake blizzard made already in SL is tie borrowed power grinding systems to covenants. They should have simply made the power grind for only the talents, not joining a tmog covenant.

Why not work towards gaining all the borrowed power grind talents? So you pick the mog you want and the extra one bonus for that covenant and every power grind is designed to gain more and more talent abilities for SL? I know that sucks to infinite power grind, but that is the games direction now, so why not embrace it and make all the talents un-lockable.


@Blizzard, please update the poll to add the following option …

I’m not going to choose until I know which Covenant will result in my class performing its best. Most powerful = most fun

If you’re not using this as a factor in how you design covenants, then you’re going to have another azerite-gear sized problem on your hands (which we all know was HUGE) that you’ll AGAIN have to spend valuable resources on after the expansion launches just to fix.