Poll: Choosing a Covenant

That’s why we can pick and choose who we play with. If you don’t want to play with min maxxers, don’t invite us. Don’t act like an RPG choice makes you any better than them, though. You have different playstyles, that’s not a bad thing.

I mean, it appears to be to you, but the fact that there are so many different playstyles suggests it isn’t.


The concept is RPG driven.

Make friends with peeps. Be on their side.

Swapping at will is contrary to that design and in line with “min maxing”. That should not drive game design unless you’re running a spreadsheet simulator.

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So true. This is such a bad design decision for this game. Pretending anyone who cares about performance will have any choice at all is just ignorant. For what looks like a great expansion, this could be the Achilles heel. Remove the abilities from covenants and focus more into the rewards, titles or something new to visually show your covenant choice.

I feel like thematically Kyrian fits paladins better, but it provides the least interesting ability.

Doesn’t mean that it’s good game design. Making it hard to switch when one will be better than another in a certain aspect of the game is bad design in my eyes.


Nah it’s pretty great.

Don’t let moving the mean of a normal distribution drive your game play.

Guess you could argue whether or not RPG game design is “good”…


Why? Your distinction is arbitrary - you just don’t like addressing this argument because you know it is correct.

Covenants are simply an advanced class system. Period. Any argument against Covenants goes against classes. While technically there are video games you can swap classes, like FFXIV, WoW has never been a game where changing your class is part of the fantasy. Spec-swapping already goes too far in certain ways and mechanics like artifacts and azerite were intended to lock you into a spec because WoW is supposed to be a game where your choices matter. Covenants are “more correct” in an objective sense as being something you can’t swap.


I wish, truly wish the community was like you are. Unfortunately, from my experience over the past decade+, it is not the case. Just like gearscore or raider io, you will be judged by covenant choice on a spec basic. It’s unfortunate but should be taken into consideration by devs.


Yeah I just did lol

None, stop with the borrowed power.


Don’t play RPGs then is prolly a good answer.


It’s hard to say really. Depends on abilities i guess. Still regarding transmog and few classes that I am playing - I think Maldraxxus will be best choice.

I am very disappointed in Fearie Forest, theme. I am not into Bastion at all, and vamps were never my thing.

Have you ever read patch notes? Buffs/ nerfs. Come across the world firsts? Did you see last week’s arena championship? Do you see any of the many ranking systems for players, guilds or servers? You are correct, this is a RPG. You completely ignore that it is competitive, regardless of your participation on that front.

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Night Fae. Also give em to the Alliance.

Lmao I guess. You’ve got multiple people in here telling you it’s bad design.

And for people who are highly competitive, “playing the meta” is already part of the game. Demon Hunter are the best for content X? You roll and level up a Demon Hunter.

People already play sub-optimal classes. The concept of people playing sub-optimal Covenants isn’t really a detraction from the system - if anything it says that the choice actually matters and adds texture to the game.

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I would like to pick my desired aesthetic faction. But in order to be competitive in M+ with my main, I am going to have to pick whatever icy veins says is best, even if it’s roughly 1% better.


True. What I see are some abilities seem like the only option in some circumstances. We’re not talking 5% edge on meters or a clutch but highly situational ability. One example - Hunter ignoring LoS with 30% increased crit. there is no choice there, you take that or you severely gimp your character. Having a choice would give hesitation to picking that because you like the flavor of other abilities or aesthetics/ theme. Maybe reduce power of outlier covenant abilities or bring up others? Not sure what the solution is but being locked into the only rational choice is a bummer.

They should have pooled up all these albilities and allowed them to be selected like a talent tree, and the selected covenant would only affect the aesthetics of the spell.

I don’t want to be a Ret pally and have to choose necro lords because of dps edge it may give… or what about people who split rolls like dps tank or heals? These “choices” are so arbitrary and sound good on paper but will be disastrous if not address properly.