Poll: Choosing a Covenant

All of them?

A bunch of guildees and myself are leveling 4 characters for each of the classes we play so that we can serve our groups well in raid, M+, BG’s, and arena.

Not really excited about this system given it forces us to maintain 4 times the number of characters we already have to keep up.

Please remove the restrictions to change covenants? Pretty please?


Having a hard time choosing. None of them really match Shaman that well in my opinion, so may default to Kyrian. Night Fae giving Druid’s a channel ability ruined that option for me since I dislike channel. Cats are suppose to feel quick and channels aren’t quick. No matter how many abilities go off during that time.

Playing around with the idea of a Vampire Vulpera, though. That seems fun. It also seems like you’ll have to be Venthyr to do group content anyways.

I will be (LIKE EVERYONE HERE EVEN IF THEY DONT ADMIT IT) choosing all four covenants with my first 4 alts I level up when the time comes so I can gain all the transmog available, even if it’s not account wide.


You guys realize that they didn’t nerf destro locks yet in pvp. Or fire mages in pve.

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If you don’t go Venthyr, you will be punished in group content. Their teleport is too OP and we all know blizzard isn’t going to nerf it anytime soon. They will wait until you put too many hours into it before then. Gotta keep that Yo-Yo Balance going.


I voted Night Fae.

But realistically my main will be doing a lot of M+. If one ends up simming significantly better for sustained cleave/AoE, I will -have- to go that route to keep up. And, also realistically, I still enjoy progressing my power on my alts, which means I will likely ALSO go the “best for M+” route.

I like the story choice. That’s cool. That where I’d either go Night Fae or Kyrian depending on my class, since I don’t see myself fitting into the other 2 (and don’t play undead, DK, DH, really even Warlock, etc, that would look good with it).

But as you well know, people are unhappy with the power tied to this choice.

Hell, I’d even be okay with being semi-locked to an ability that we choose! But that choice should be separate from the story choice. It could have been a matter of skinning the different abilities to match the covenants.

But it’s not, and this is going to be a complaint for the entire expansion, just like Azerite Gear, because you guys are too stubborn to listen to Feedback before we get to play with it in-game, and by the time most of us get to play with it in-game, it’s too late to make any significant changes.


the Venthyr class ability is absolute trash for mages, but i’m not sure i can pass up on that teleport

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Whichever one works best for the content I want to do. It’s foolish to choose based on aesthetics at the expense of my gameplay. Devs, you know this. Separate the abilities from the covenants already.


Preach brother.

Doesn’t matter what I pick on this poll, I will pick whatever makes me the strongest.

Make covenants swappable (or at least the abilities)!


Be nice to choose the one that fits what I want to do when I logon.

They all look like they could be fun in different situations. Silly we have to pick one. There should be no restrictions. They should have been about mogs, recipes, quests, etc. Not about abilities that will likely be central to the content you enjoy.

This whole ‘chose one’ is honestly such a dark spot on what looked to be like a solid beginning. Disappointing.


Can you add an option for “all of the above”?

Between the 5 classes I love to play - I’ll be maxing out at least 2 copies of each so that I can play all the content available in the game well.

I assume across that many combinations and versions of classes that I’ll have at least 1 of each?

The actual choice for each individual will be based on what sims the best.


Is the vote 1 per account or per level 120 alt?

And part of my vote will be on who’s got the cool stuff?

How sad for you that WoW is a job for you.

For most of us - we play a game.


wish i could vote for more then one since im still torn

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You left out “none of the above” and “might unsubscribe instead of picking”.


Silly Blizzard.

I’m going to join all of them.


I find it hard to not want to do Venthyr, not a huge fan of the Priest specific ability but the Covenant one has been fun to play with being one of the least mobile classes in the game with literally no escape mechanism outside of hitting disperse and hope they aren’t right back on-top of you when it ends.

I’ll likely pick whatever provides the most utility/throughput in combat. and if that faction is not venthyr, i’ll forever resent blizzard.


Probably the FFXIV covenant.

Given how punishing this system is for players that want to play multiple roles and in multiple areas of the game - I’d rather support another company/game that doesn’t punish their customers for wanting to perform well without being chastised by the core systems.


Necrolord because I want to be a Skeletal Magi!!! :skull: