Poll: Choosing a Covenant

5 avengers shields. How can I not choose the blue angels?


We all play a game.

For some of us, performing well is part of that game.

Not everyone has to enjoy games in the same way.

If this were a single player RPG, I wouldn’t care about being optimal with my power. But it’s not. Every choice we make affects everyone else in our groups, and will affect our own ability to access content, especially in the pug world.


It’s amazing the amount of ignorance people that say this have.
Other people have different ways to have fun.


Kyrian. I kind of like the sound of how they operate.

I don’t really think any of the four covenants sound too appealing though, ngl.

Whichever one the theorycrafters say will help me tank best in raiding. It looks like that’ll probably wound up being Necrolords.

Which is a shame, because I’d really prefer to pick Night Fae otherwise.


Venthyr are the only ones that appeal to me, on aesthetic grounds.

I couldn’t give a monkeys which is the ‘best’ on paper. I’m playing an RPG not a stats simulator.


I’m going to watch which one the Horde pick because that’s the one the developers will give all the love to during the entire expansion.

Please let us know which one the Horde players picks the most.



Plus if we’re gonna be “warning” the other covenants that means we can likely visit their zones, which means I still get to explore Ardenweald while keepin the sick kicks from Maldraxxus.

Based on what we know right now…I’m going Venthyr. It would be nice to make a choice based off more than two abilities. Hopefully more in-depth previews are coming.


You’re playing an MMORPG.

Nothing at all against you if you choose to treat it as a more solo endeavor and/or stick to content where performing less optimally won’t matter. But for others, that distinction will matter. A lot. And I hope you can see why this situation is frustrating for them.


I love Bastion, but I don’t know what it is but I don’t think my Steward will be as fun to use as the teleport or Vulpin blinks.



I have almost all elves … Ardenweald would be choice.

Although I also like Bastion. My non elves will possibly go that route.

Ultimately I’ll check them all out with my alt army but my Tauren Warrior main will likely go to the Night Fae. The ability seem very nice and I’m really digging the bark armor.
Kyrian were a close second and my initial choice after BlizzCon, but I’m not a fan of their plate set and their abilities sounded a bit less interesting.

How does ‘MMO’ effect the RPG aspect?

Role playing with lots of people? Why do you assume it is the universal standard to ‘perform optimally’. Methinks that mindset is in fact a minority.

I’m quite confident in thinking the majority of groups of people are happier when everyone is enjoying the game in their own way.

Really, you speak as if there is only ‘optimal’ and ‘useless’ or ‘burdensome’. It really highlights a VERY big problem in that picking ‘the best’ on paper is the only way to play the game effectively.

This game should not be designed around the tiny percentage of Mythic pushers who ONLY care about the 1%s and perfect builds.


Where is the night elf revenge storyline?


Blizzard please prevent another BFA disaster and listen to your players. Make all covenant abilities like talents so we can swap between them while in a rested zone. Covenant abilities are a clear red flag that will ruin the xpac if implemented improperly (currently you are implementing them improperly). Being stuck with a cov you don’t like because of how strong the ability is with your class isn’t immersive or of the RPG element. Same goes for picking a cov you like for cosmetics, only to be held back by performance. This is clear as day, and the solution is obvious.


so players wanting to be optimal for a given type of content is bad? ignorant take. think outside the box of playing the game more casually.


Please disable covenant utility abilities in instances, otherwise everyone will only play Venthyr.

Or just add them as a talent row. It’s early enough for you to do that.


8.1, and probably in the questline to unlock night warrior eyes. Not expecting much else since that would be too good…

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