Poll: Choosing a Covenant

I care about it. I want to build my character with the abilities I want, and I want my character to have the aesthetic I want. If I were to play D&D (you know, the original rpg) I could have both those things. Why do you think having more choice is a bad thing? It makes no sense. When it comes down to it, covenant abilities are talents with extra steps. The extra steps are the issue here, not the covenants themselves.


I care about making sure I’m not impeding my group’s success, because I play with other people who expect me to at least not intentionally gimp myself.

I have alts for the aesthetics and toys. My main needs to be at least on par with the rest of my group.


I lose almost 5k dps for playing vision of perfection on my arcane mage instead of condensed essence, I still beat most ppl in dps, do more than enough individual dps for the fight and easily purple parse with it.

If you are wiping because some players are bad and cant get enough DPS and you want to cover their FAILURES, then that is your choice, but they are the problem, and I am not sacrificing my fun because some players are bad.

Let me explain it in simple terms.

Let’s say best simming build does 10k max
Raid requires everyone to do 5k to be beat(Yeah it is that low compared to highest simming build and could be even less)
My DPS is 8k.

Anyone who is above the 5k mark is good enough, if you are doing well above it you are pretty good, the 10k tryhard is not needed to finish raids unless when half your raid is doing 2k dps and you need tryhards to compensated for bad players.
Bad players who fail to perform anywhere near their simdps and people who fail mechanics are the ones dragging down the raid, not the good players that are having fun in an rpg with their build.


Venthyr are the coolest/prettiest, but I gotta have that fox sprint thing with the infinite fox form when you’re in town, coupled with whatever collection game it offers.

It’s likely to be Fae on this char, Kyrian on my Paladin (for the 5-target judgment/shock), and Venthyr on a clothie.

Def night fae

I feel like players are NOT at ALL free to make this choice BASED ON the CHOICES their character has made in life when the gameplay factors in so heavily. It doesn’t feel good at all.

(We also dont know if this affects our character’s ultimate destiny when it comes time they BELONG in the shadowlands. That’s vital info.)

The story is also TERRIBLE. Bastion’s heroes have to give up their memories? NONE of my characters would approve. They’d infact be determined to tear the covenant down to the ground in the name of heroism.


I am starting out with Kyrian with my main here. But I have been working on ALTS and I have a character for each. No way I am playing the game and not checking them all out :slight_smile:


I have like half my alts ready for the fae folk, but I’m keen on poking around at all of them. Be funny for me to send my undead DK to Bastion - she’s died so many dang times she barely had a memory anyway, lol.

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I’ll also need to see how each story does or doesnt Resolve before choosing. And I’m worried many of them WONT RESOLVE AT ALL until we choose a covenant.

Right now the covenants themselves in their choices and rules are so screwed up that ONLY the purpose of the nightfae has been uncorrupted. They should ALL be under attack, instead of making terrible choices on how their denizens should spend eternity. Very bad plot premise leaves only one choice for any non-evil “classic dnd” alignment. Bad plot needs fixing before beta.

Some of the names claiming they will pick anything… Eventually will hide on alts to post “I can’t get into m+ or raids because my covenant choice”

Face it right now venthyr is the strongest then comes nightfae then the last two is situational buffs.
Signature abilities are more powerful than spec abilities because some specs are getting incredible shafted and they just refuse to redesign some of them to make feel them better.

And we’re missing two key parts still, legendaries and soulbinds… we’re in for a clownfiesta of balancing if they can’t get it together and listen to everyone’s feedback not only on the streamer community.

GCD is still a huge stone on every class foot and they are still being stingy with it despite players already telling them they don’t want on most of their offensive CD’s spells on the bloody GCD.


99% likely Kyrian on my human paladin for obvious reasons. Maybe Venthyr on my DH or the blood elf pally (I forget what makes you get sent there?). No idea on warrior or mage and those are my only other 120s.

I have no desire to pick for min-maxing reasons so…

Should we start prepping our popcorn carts now? I know I’m looking forward to it.

At this point I don’t bother with popcorn it’s so predictable it got boring to me but sure, if you enjoy popcorn who I’m to say no? :slight_smile:

But hey it’s more important to outrage at customization than looking at the core systems that we will have for the next 2 and half years then far too late on live realize it’s too late to give feedback and we’re going to sit here with more bad grinds to alleviate their poor decisions.

Quick reminder for everyone here: just because it’s alpha doesnt mean a system can be bad from the start.

Aside from that it’s pretty obvious:

  • Teleport
  • Some movement speed in combat (huge for classes and specs with low mobility)
  • Some potion that cures you
  • Some shield that you have to standstill to cast

I’m all for getting the armors sure I love the covenant sets and mounts but as raider and m+ player I have to think what’s best for my spec.


Amen friend. Amen. This fact gets missed a lot it seems because apparently min-maxers only see black and white. That’s the reason for the anger directed at them, by the way.

If you need everyone doing 5k DPS to defeat an encounter that doesn’t mean everyone should focus on doing 10k. Does it help? Sure, but that’s where the line gets drawn and the hatred comes from:. Min-maxers will insist everyone do 10k just because you can and justify it however they do. But the person doing 8k is good enough because it’s above the requisite amount.

It shouldn’t be binary. You don’t need to be 100% optimal all the time. There’s a gap between the minimum and 100% optimal that still let’s you perform well enough to succeed. THAT needs to be the guideline.


Don’t let me, I went keto for blood sugar liver issues (A1C is back to normal eeyyy!) and popcorn is deeeeffffinitely off my menu lol.

Uh, on topic: Agreed, choosing for fun is for alts, not the main that has other players expecting me to at least believably act like I know what I’m doing. If I’m lucky I’ll get one I like.

This needs to be, like, a WoW loading screen tip or something. Well said.

There comes a time where one crosses the line from personal fun, and at that point one must reevaluate why they are treating a game as a job.


Then bring anything you will enjoy, however for some reason the “I told you so” tastes so much better here :wink:

didnt want to get very serious on the answer to you but I had to say it and didnt feel like double posting :man_shrugging:


I’ll prolly try all of em eventually.

All of you heroic heroes thinking you’re “forced” into a covenant are silly.

You fat finger more DPS out of your rotation than the wrong covenant ever could.

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Right. I mean you may want to optimize but everyone has their “limit”. Maybe it’s 80% or 90% or yes 100%. But the problem is people act like it’s 100% or nothing and on top of that deride anyone who doesn’t do 100%.

Here’s a non-WoW example: I play Warhammer 40k. Any army I pick usually have some units that I “must” take for flavor or fluff reasons because they fit my theme. I want my army to be optimized within my limitations so it can still perform well but also retains the aesthetic I want. There are people who don’t care about the aesthetic and the only criteria is if this is good or not. Fine. My criteria is “make it as good as possible but not give up my aesthetic”. And similar to min-maxers here there are people who will tell you when asked for advice get rid of all the things you like and take these other things that you don’t because they’re better. And that’s also why there’s “hate” towards them. because they don’t seem to understand wanting to optimize within certain parameters rather than having nothing but performance matter

You can be “good” without being 100% optimized at the cost of flavor and everything else beyond raw numbers.