Poll: Choosing a Covenant

I would much prefer the second, or just throw all the covenant abilities in a new talent row and theme whichever one you pick around the covenant of your choice. I do actually want my covenant choice to matter, and just saying “covenants are easily swappable” means they don’t.

I love you so much right now.

Going Venthyr, because I’m a big fan of vampires.

Agreed. I know so many people that are leveling multiples of the same class.

It’s pretty sad since a couple of them have already gotten burnt out and left WoW for other games.


Yeah - those of us that want to be able to freely swap are in it for the utility and performance. We don’t really care about the covenants in terms of RP.

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Bastion/Kyrian for my Shaman (2, Enh and Ele.) And definitely my Ret Pally. Fire and Arcane mages also probably.

Druid to Ardenweld/Night Fae and I haven’t decided on my Assass. Rogue yet. Probably Venthyr but I don’t know for sure.

I’m not choosing the Covenants based on abilities, I’m choosing based on aesthetics and which “feels” right for my character. Example being Paladin, just must go to Bastion.

I also prefer light environments both the “Light” type thing but also bright light so I can see. I don’t see well in dark environments. Makes playing difficult as I get headaches after a while.

Players being able to swap covenant abilities doesn’t impact the RP/Casual way that I play at all.

I would lose nothing for it. I would however gain some respect for Blizzard not punishing players without any need or benefit.

I will orbit between Kirians and Night Fae with my main and alts.

True, I’m not either per se. But I would like to pick a favorite theme and stick with it for the expac. And the covenant abilities are just glorified talents anyway.

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Its between necrolords and Venthyr for me.

DKs is fitting for necrolords, however being able to teleport like Reaper from Overwatch and vampire elves is way too good to pass up. Couldn’t give a rats ^@& what ends up be the most optimal.

Night Fae.
had me sold at soul shape fox. :fox_face:
nothing that has come out regarding any of the other covenants that would change my mind.

Granted, the other options are not bad, and the Venthyr is looking to be quite powerful but being stuck (for the most part) with a single choice i wouldn’t give up the opportunity to add to my shapeshift collection (even if its temporary in combat)

Some say Maldraxxus and Revendrath is good. But I honestly prefer Bastion. I like seeing the Heaven place of the Light and Owl People more than Undead Creatures, Vampires, and Creepy Night Fae Bugs.

whichever sims the best cause I need the 0,0000005% dmg for my LFR molten core


When covenants were first announced I was planning to go with the Kyrians for my main here… but I believe I am going to have to go with the Night Fae instead for a few reasons.

One, the idea of “unburdening” myself of all my memories is anathema to me so I would have a difficult time supporting such a group (even if such unburdening can be a blessing and desired). And two, transmog. The Night Fae cloth seems to have a more enticing color palette, though sadly the artists have once again dropped the ball and taken the lazy option to give cloth wearers painted on socks instead of footwear with actual geometry just because a set uses a robe for the chest slot. I’m desperately awaiting the day someone in management finally tells them that this is not acceptable.

Speaking of transmog, when you guys mentioned that we won’t be able to mix and match transmogs from different covenants, I was incredibly disappointed, and really hope that restriction is reconsidered. This expansion seems to want to give us tremendous freedom of expression, but has drawn the line at letting us use transmogs we might unlock that are from a covenant other than the one a particular character is associated with. I really hope they change their mind on this.

Overall, I plan to unlock every transmog, for every armor type, from every covenant. I can only pray that the covenant transmog restriction will be reconsidered outright, or failing that, eventually lifted at the end of Shadowlands. Transmog is taking priority over combat performance for me in this expansion, otherwise I’d have stuck with the Kyrians as an Arcane Mage.

That because you are talking about what is the sudden implication rather than long term . It will eventually effect every gameplay as well

Blizzard plans ahead - PL took 9 years to take over. We used to have just two product editions now three where the mog is not given nope, you just have the right to grind it out .

It will reinforces end game only matters and eventually your RP scene would get neglected.

I want to go Night Fae, but as it stands the Venthyr signature ability is probably way too strong as large movement capabilities on a short CD are almost universally good in any content you do. The other signature abilities pale in comparison if we apply them to content that historically gets designed and balanced.

What it comes down to is how all content is balanced and designed. As a related example: Shroud in M+. Prior to season 4, if you really wanted to push the content you felt punished if you didn’t have a rogue… but with the obelisks in season 4 you don’t feel pressured to bring a rogue for skips. As this relates to signature abilities, if the content heavily promotes a signature ability (or class ability), either the content or the ability needs to be changed. It’s already bad enough when it comes to classes with immunities and buffs/debuffs in content like mythic raiding, adding abilities that are universally strong via covenants will just exacerbate an already touchy subject.

People need to keep in mind that WoW is an MMORPG, and the issue with the abilities and proposed functionality of the system isn’t with the RPG aspect, it’s the MMO aspect. If WoW was purely a single player game, none of this would even be an issue, or at the very least it wouldn’t be as big of a deal. However, the game is designed with group content in mind, and if you tune content (especially the difficult content) to high levels, it fosters the mentality and the actual need to optimize power over flavor.

I’m all for choice when it comes to picking a covenant, but it has to be a choice between comparable things. If the choices are very lopsided, it will not feel good being forced to make a decision of RP/flavor vs power. As it stands, I feel the Venthyr signature ability really needs to change as a start.


Whatever is BIS for my class.


People like this should be avoiding any game with rpg elements and instead play cod.

They clearly do not care about the rpg part of the mmorpg, they don’t belong in this genre and I have no idea why they are here


You are able to swap.

The bulk of the playerbase will have no idea about Covenants until the next xpac drops.