Poll: Choosing a Covenant

I don’t like the idea of covenants and more rental abilities. Probably done with WoW tbh

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If only the illusion of choice was not actually an illusion for raiders. Forced into a covenant I don’t want.


Night Fae of course. This character’s class and abilities might say ‘mage’, but she’s a druid at heart.

Unfortunately, I cannot pick Night Fae, as I would be handicapping myself in terms of both Covenant Ability and Covenant movement ability. I love roleplay and the RPG aspect of WoW, but I also enjoy Mythic + and Raiding. Please reconsider and unlock Covenant abilities.


Currently they are ruining covenants. I want my covenant choice to matter. I want it to be a one time choice. I want it to be my expac “identity”, but not at the cost of fun gameplay.

So far the only reason that’s been stated by supporters of the current iteration is that it “sticks it to the min/maxers”. Designing the game around people who find joy in inconveniencing others is a good way for a game to fail.


Necro/vampires for every character I refuse to play the holy one for the sake of it being holy
the nature one is kinda meha the stuff for it looks horrible on transmog overall tbh (not bad looking) just extremely lame

Maldraxxus is the only option for DKs. Especially Unholy DKs. I guess bloods can go Venthyr and frosty kids can go chill with the fairies :slight_smile:

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Blizzard: “hey guys! So we know you’re all pissed about the covenant abilities and not being able to switch and blah blah blah… but seriously tho, which one are you gonna pick?”



I pick which one is most efficient for me to help my group progress.

Alts are for fun/flavour/cosmetics. Main is straight up what gets me the most bang for my buck, regardless of what level of content I am or am not doing. The other dozen people in my raid are counting on me to not slap on pretty cloth gear and ignore my neck or cloak for whatever reason I have. Since I find doing things with my guild fun, I am going to pick whatever helps the entire team out the best.

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I think that means you can change your vote until it closes. If you come back and your choice is still selected, that should mean your vote has been counted (along with the number change on the side.)

Whichever one is better for my specs since you insist that cosmetics need to be tied up in character power.

I want to be Night Fae but since the night fae covenant ability for mages is hot garbage that would be better off left in the spell book that doesn’t exactly look like it’s going to happen.

And yes, I am salty about it. Very, very salty.


My undead warlock would have to select Night Fae in Ardenweald for the Soul Rot ability.

No, it isn’t and no, you don’t.

You pick which one sims the best/has the best utility and you ignore the rest despite your preference.

Still a bad system.


Would love to make a choice when you guys drop the abilities associated with them and make covenants an aesthetic choice.

Stop applying band-aids to the classes, fix the core kits!


Aesthetically? Night Fae.

I’d like to see more of what each covenant offers before setting in stone which one I would pick.

… acting like you’re giving us an actual choice. Blizzard has not once, never, managed to successfully balance all 36 class and specs in all forms of content. Now you wanna balance all 36 with 4 covenant options in pvp, raiding and m+. What are you smoking. So the answer is whichever sims highest, combined with an actual useful utility spell (sorry Kyrian owlbro but you’re completely useless compared to the game breaking teleport in the venthyr covenant or even the Nightfae vulpin). You punishing us by forcing us to pick one and stick with it is actually just going to be people rolling 3 extra characters of the same class in order to get around that. WHICH IS EXACTLY what happened in legion when you introduced the initial artifact weapons + legendarys. The delusion that you’ll be able to balance covenants is honestly the only thing keeping me from being hyped about shadowlands. There’s so much I’m actually looking forward to and then you have to try and introduce this hamfisted short sighted system that’s going to ruin the game for many players. This poll is actually just a slap in the face and completely pretending that we’ll get an actual choice. Enough of the hubris Icarus, you’re going to burn.


I mean… Ardenwealde of course…

When I see the threads of players complaining about raider io, “I can’t get in to keys,” etc etc I fear they’ve taken advice like yours.

The system should either allow for easy covenant swapping or just have the abilities standardized with some covenant specific flare. You’re with the Night Fae? Ok press the ability and fairies shoot out your mouth and do x-damage. Oh you’re venthyr? Now press the button and bats fly out your ears and do x-damage.

It’s obvious in pugs across all content that people don’t care about things like being better at the game by researching optimal talent trees, stat weights, rotations, azerite traits, etc, but the system can exist to satisfy all players by just making it more homogenized and flavorful vs what it is turning out to be, which people have warned about since it was announced; picking the right one, or the wrong one.

It SHOULD be a fun system. As it stands though, it’s just azerite gear reforging 2.0 except apparently even worse somehow?


It says something when this is both a serious comment and a funny at the same time.


And it will be a grossly optimal way because this is the same company that designed Corruptions and thought they were balanced. Infinite Stars vs Void Ritual but you know balance …