Poll: Choosing a Covenant

I’m not voting until you unlock the class abilities because you should know by now what you’re about to do is a mistake

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Likely (But not 100% decided) going with Kyrian on this character. I will be deciding primarily based on aesthetic. I don’t raid mythic, so I won’t be choosing a given covenant simply because it sims slightly better than the others.

whichever is the most powerful choice for M+ for each hero. unless i somehow end up wanting to really push raid hard, in which case, it will be whichever is most powerful for raid.

there really isnt any other choice unfortunately.

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Im gonna pick whichever one gives me the most dps…but please please please let us somehow get and use all of the convenant transmog sets…regardless of who we are using

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Dont cry like a baby when it gets inevitable nerfed : )

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Ill then just swap to the next one. Blizzard will end up doing something where they make it easier and less punishing to swap because theyll realize they cant handle balancing every single spec with each and every convenant ability, nothing to worry about.


Guys I accidently voted for venthyr because it’s a no-brainer choice. How do I unvote in protest?

You make your opinion heard here before we suffer through another bad move

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Since I’m an altaholic I will try all the covenants

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Just have one covenant ability that all the covenants share and “skin” them to match the aesthetic of the covenant :man_shrugging: The dps from each covenant would be the exact same and players could choose the covenant they really wanted instead of the one bloodmallet.com told them to get. Assuming of course there’s no other advantages that covenants offer like 10% movement speed or 5% leech.


It’s too early to tell what covenant you will make completely OP, so I reserve my choice lol


Hey blizz, stop making bad decisions.




Been up for 9 hours, only 1286 votes.

Yeah forums are an incredibly tiny irrelevant minority.

That’s like 50% of the sub count, though.

I haven’t voted because idk the abilities because I don’t care

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Kyrian best aesthetics for zone/race. Best armour set. Covenant power isn’t great but isn’t awful so it’s unlikely to get changed massively.

Same reason I like boomkin lol, never top dps but never bottom dps either, consistently midlevel dps. I’m much happier always being middle of the pack than swinging on the pendulum.

Agreed. This will likely be the Covenant I’ll be choosing in Shadowlands. The other Covenant’s look cool as well. So might be a tough decision in the end.

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I have enough characters to choose all four covenants.

That said, this character may choose Venthyr. “Condemn a foe to suffer for their sins, causing Shadow damage” is just too perfect a description for her, in my opinion.

How does one actually vote? I clicked on my choice, but nothing shows up to lock in the vote.

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