Poll: Choosing a Covenant

This is a good idea. Making players work for the things they want is never a bad thing (despite the complaints about Pathfinder). The best part about your suggestion is that players get their initial covenant fairly easily. The work only applies when they want more.

Of course, people will claim they’re being “forced” to grind out all the covenants in order to be “competitive.” That’s pretty much how things go around here.

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Aesthetically? Night Fae or Kyrian

Utility-wise? Venthyr’s teleport ability

Ability wise in terms of coolness? Necrolord for this dk for the extra arm ability.

In reality? Whatever’s best for M+.

No matter what I’ll be unhappy with whatever I choose because I will be missing out on something I like from the other covenants.

I would feel a lot better if covenants didn’t have abilities or soulbinds because then I could choose the one I like aesthetically instead of the one that has the best abilities and soulbinds for the content I enjoy doing.

There will never be a good and fun choice when it comes to covenants, just a right choice for the content I’m doing and 3 wrong ones.


Bastion would be the best choice for a Tauren Warrior (sort of reminds me of Skyhold in Legion), but I’m a sucker for spooky stuff in WoW. Regardless, I went Night Fae because it fits a Tauren Warrior aesthetic better… lol

But the point is still role-playing. Players want to play the game as a sophisticated version of Mario Brothers, that is their prerogative. But it is still a Role-Playing Game. Otherwise all those shiny new customizations were a waste of Blizzard’s time.

I am curious though, what progression do you really consider your character to have made?

I plan to use the necrolords to complete my true goal… Kill Jailor, Kill banshee queen and forge a new crown of domination and become the true Lich Queen, sylvanass’s head will be used as a warning to those who would challenge the scourge

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I still think the Druid Venthyr’s Ravenous Frenzy still needs changed. It’s the only ability to have a negative side effect which is unacceptable.

This is extremely hard for me.

I knew from the start I wouldnt join the disgusting brainwashing removal of individuality cult that is kyrian, and I am not a tree hugger to join night fae ever which only let venthyr and necrolord.

The thing is both venthyr and necrolord have great themes, I can play with either ability well since I am a decent player but not a tryhard, cant wait to outdps people who got the highest performing covenant xD

The issue rn for me is that both venthyr and necrolords have an extremely edgy and awesome looking MOG that looks so cool on male pandas and that is a rly hard choice, both look so perfect and edgy on male pandaren though leaning necrolords more because it looks overall awesome while venthyr one mainly looks awesome on top, while the pants feel kinda plain. Also no robes

My character aka me personality wise fit with both venthyr and necrolords though will have to wait and see how necrolords are before I am certain in their full story. Since venthyr are a little off since I dont believe in “repenting” because it implies some actions are always bad with is very dumb and limited way of thinking.

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Depends. If the choice was purely aesthetic/rp, necrolord, without hesitation. However, since it’s looking like you’re going to force us to choose between gameplay and aesthetic, I don’t know. Please don’t let covenant choice influence gameplay in any way.


Night Fae. Because they got cool moth gear and an interesting reincarnation cycle. The other choices appear to be wannabe angle, vampire, and necroperson. I would probably play night fae over all the other covenants for the ones I play they are the only ones that make a lick of sense.

For the millionth time, Blizzard isn’t doing that. The community is doing that.

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Maldraxxus is the only choice here for me.

My strategy similar. Want to know which one the devs are playing. Want to know which one has been dev’d first and most lovingly. Had enough of rushed, mediocre stories.

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I’m rolling with Kyrian.

By not giving us freedom of choice, they are doing that. If I want a certain ability (min/max or not, some abilities are just more fun to use than others), and it isn’t the aesthetic I like, it means no matter what I choose feels like a bad choice.


You have total freedom of choice in this matter. There are 4 covenants. No one at Blizzard is forcing you to pick one.

This is a community issue being driven by min/maxers chasing the meta.


The same can be said about picking your class. You might like a given class aesthetic but another class does higher DPS.


Hard to show you care when they have such negative people on the threads 24/7 looking to rip them apart.

If I want to play the game I actually am forced to pick one. And once again, no matter which one I pick, they are all bad choices the way they are currently laid out.

No, no it isn’t. I say that because as I stated: I am not a min/maxer and I, and many other non min/maxers think the way the system is being implemented is bad.

Classes are different. They are a choice about how you want to experience the entire game. A throwaway/expac only system should not be that kind of choice.



If you know you are decent you dont need to bow down to the community, if you need the fotm to get invited then well, sounds like a personal problem

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You know, whatever. All I can say is if y’all cause Blizzard to ruin Covenants I’m out.

This is new and interesting and looks fun. So of course the community is going to try to wreck it.