Poll: Choosing a Covenant

(Commentary): Unit Exacitor chooses the Kyrians; the pursuit of perfection, stripping away of weakness and impurity, resonates greatly with the pursuits of Mechagon in Mechanization!

Given how bad BfA has been, and how bare bones and rushed Shadowlands is likely to be, I’m not sure I’m even going to play. The simple fact that the covenant abilities will never be balanced in terms of power or utility makes the whole system just awful, and I’d rather not participate.


Venthyr because I am a vampire so I must be with other vampires . This is the way . :black_heart::black_heart::bat::bat::bat::bat:

None bc I won’t be buying this disaster waiting to happen. You people won’t be capable of balancing these abilities. Look at the comments everybody is going to choose whatever sims best and doesn’t get them laughed out of mythic plus.

Vampire bros will win bc of your incompetence

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Venthyr, Vampire Paladins are awesome.

Must be another alt unfriendly xpac if you are making a poll for which covenant we are picking.

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Winner here

For real. Remember when Blood Knights exist? I hope that Venthyr Pallies have Blood Knight flavor.

“Bring the player, not the class” doesn’t work when you can’t balance classes and abilities.


Bring the player not the class is dumb. You shouldn’t even try - I get that some people like Ghostcrawler but it was such a bad ideology for a roleplaying game.

Yeah, if they had kept their Naaru Sucking ways, I would probably main Horde.

I play DPS and pug a lot for M+. I will have to wait to see which one is the strongest because there will be a lot of people who decline any applicants who don’t have the preferred Covenant, especially when the Generic Covenant abilities have different functions in the form of mobility, defensive, and utility allowing for strategies to form around the strongest one. It doesn’t matter if the level of content someone is currently doing would or would not require “the optimal” Covenant option because player perception exists. All levels of endgame content besides queued activities have varying amounts of exclusion driven solely by player perception and I don’t want to risk picking a Covenant that people will decline me for in pug groups.

I guess if all dungeons and raids are designed in a way that each Covenant Generic will have downsides on particular encounters then I can choose based off aesthetics?

Going to copy this from what I said on another thread as I want Bornakk to read it and mention it if he can to the Devs. I see one really big concern with relation to Covenants now that I’ve fully read into them.

The issue I foresee from all of this goes thus. I understand what Blizzard is going for and how they say this is an iron clad choice, but this is a choice that down the road of the expansion you are going to have to break on at some point, particularly when reality / subscriptions / and money come into the picture.

What I am seeing, is that there will be a lot of players who want to earn the transmogs of other Covenant Armors, and chafe at the system heavily. While from a balance perspective, I agree with your ideas and concur with them. Players should only ever be able to use 1 Covenant’s power at any given time.

That being said, my worry is this. Rented Power is one thing. But a player’s earned Transmogs that cross expansions should be above that rule, since their account bound already. Look at the mess that existed with siding with Sylvanas, or against her. Now multiply it four-fold. That is what I see coming.

Choice is all well and good. I’m glad your giving us that ability. But we also should consider the player who ‘chose poorly’ (-said in the Indiana Jones Grail-Knight voice-). What exactly happens to players who choose X covenant and then go to a new one later? How do we expect them to feel if Blizzard realizes there’s a problem and changes the rules mid expansion based on player feedback, a need to do necessary balance and so on?

Will those now impacted players be compensated? Not likely or even tenable.
Will they be rightly pissed? Absolutely. Time-Commitment is huge for a MMORPG.

Because of this, I see this “Your old Covenant won’t forget your defection” as a recipe for disaster, and the set up for a required / player demanded revamp of it, as well as a generally bad situation and a explosion of problems in 9.2.

Thus my core recommendation to Blizzard is simply “Don’t penalize players and make them have to choose to leave a Covenant to join another”. Rather, allow players that hit exalted with their first Covenant to start working on a second, and make the grind for that harder.

This way if a player is loco enough to go for a third? You can make it even harder. A Fourth? Hello Timbermaw Rep, farewell sleep my old friend. It’s one of those things that could be nigh on impossible, but still achievable and the ability to have that versatility would make it something the truly hardcore would strive for.

Now I preface all of this suggestion with the core idea you have already. Players would still be able for the sake of balance only be able to use 1 Covenant ability at any given time. Maybe to change their power they have to speak to the head of the covenants they are friendly with, and do it only say every week or so like the Zandalari Racials?

I only mention it at all, because I feel that anyone who wants to be reasonable about players habits probably will be able to visualize the mess that is going to go down in Shadowlands, and can see that my suggestion or one that takes this issue into consideration is probably the best solution to closing off an otherwise serious amount of frustration.

I just don’t want to see another Azerite revamp scenario play out for you guys.

I may bash heads with yall on Priest design, but I really, REALLY want you to succeed and am always rooting for you and for team Blizzard. There’s a reason I’ve stayed on. I want Warcraft to succeed. End of the day, thats why all of us players are here.


It’s Ardenweld for me.

Bastion is too boring. And the other two are just too edgelord for my liking.

Umm… no it isn’t.

The entire point of an Role-Playing Game is to ROLEPLAY.

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What? This isn’t a table-top rpg…

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Doesn’t matter.

That isn’t to say players have to role-play but yes, it is what is says on the tin.

Character progression has become core to the RPG genre and if some people choose to roleplay over everything else there will still be an amount of character progression that they focus on to enhance how they roleplay. I guess you could sit on a level 1 character and build a story around that but I doubt anyone would have that be their only character.

That’s the name of the genre, it’s not an instruction.