Poll: Choosing a Covenant

Kyrian has the best ability for all 3 specs, but the generic ability is terrible so probably venthyr or nightfae

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That just doesn’t sound like a fun guild to be in. Where’s the heart?

In this case, the stats on the latter set are still good, even if they’re not absolutely perfect, they’ll still be functional for the person.

There are guilds, and communities for that sort of thing if that ends up becoming a problem. I can go to certain places like the M+ Friends discord and say “hey guys I’m having a hard time getting into a M+ and I’m a warlock, can anyone help me out?”.

Like I said before. Why make a way for you to leave a covenant? We’re heroes right? Maw-Walker and all that? Rather than penalizing players, why not make it difficult for us to prove ourselves to a second, more difficult to prove to a third, and the truly dedicated and insane can prove themselves to all four?

This seems like it’d help mog collectors and completion addicts.

It would boost your time-played infinitely.

This is basically my worry. I wouldn’t trust Blizzard to balance its way off a bridge. Just at look when corruptions were first introduced…how many months did we have to wait until Gushing Wounds got nerfed? And how did all those players who were lucky enough to amass a Gushing Wounds set feel about the nerf?

Players on both sides: the haves and have nots were ultimately screwed. I think Covenant abilities will very much be the same.


All of these responses make me think you don’t play the game very much. Or at the very least you don’t do endgame group content.


Not having played the game or read through a ton of reports or watched a mass of vids, I personally have no idea how Covenant choices will affect one or more of my many alts. So making a choice and clicking a button at this point would be impossible.

Ask me closer to the day, after I’ve played on beta, if I ever do. :upside_down_face:

Yeah. That’s why I feel like an option to gain a new Covenant is better than removing a person’s ability to be a part of one. We should be trying to build up the forces of the Shadowlands. Not running from one to the other. My worry is Blizzard sees X players went Bastion.

They nerf Bastion. People go Night Fae.
Blizzard nerfs Night Fae, Buffs Bastion and Necro.

Players snort because their sick of this crap, and quit. Expansion fails. All the effort put into it, wasted. Why? Because some Developer decided to play with his redesign pen instead of being intelligent and giving more options instead of fewer.


I’m not Method doing .01% cutting edge type stuff, but I do plenty of decently challenging endgame group content. And I’m not worried because I don’t keep company with an uptight number-crunching guild.

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Right - so if you’re comfortable doing you - why would you push back against others who want that choice?

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There’s a difference between running a sim with 16 million iterations to optimize your gems and having an ability that’s terrible for some of your specs or some content.


If you’ve been paying attention, it’s not the damage or healing people are worried about, it’s the utility. How do you balance a teleport and a damage absorb shield? Everyone benefits from more mobility, and there won’t really be a case where you NEED the absorb shield, because they can’t design a fight around everyone having it.


really you do a poll?

like I have to use my min maxing for this since I want to raid.

obviously right now it’s venthyr or bust.

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No it doesn’t. I’m a casual and all my friends and guildies have plenty of fun.

Hardcore players having the option to play how they want doesn’t impact the casual/ rp fun that I have in game within the players I play with.


Venthyr. Teleport too OP. If you wanna do M+ at any decent level you are trolling without it.

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You act like everyone’s this lightning-reflexed perfect player who will never get hit by anything, ever. Plenty of folks like me who make mistakes every so often would benefit from a shield.

Ironically enough though I’m not picking a teleport or a shield. I’m going night fae.

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Our guild is thinking about joining either the Kyrians or the Night Fae! The zones look really good.

I would LIKE my main to go either Necrolord or Venthyr, but unfortunately due to your poor decision to lock abilities to specific Covenants I’ll instead have to choose whichever one sims best once SL goes live.


I will say it again… you have time dev’s. Don’t wait until 9.2 with another hamster wheel system to grind whatever to make it feel better.

Re design the venthyr/night fae signature abilities… both are vastly overpower against the other two.

While you’re at it look at some covenant spec abilities some specs are getting straight terrible skills.


Love the Night Fae look and lore but worry it won’t be competitive in raiding, M+, questing, or anything else in game.

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Too late It has already happened.

Remember gear being just gear? that not good enough anymore it needs to socket have a tertiary , maybe proc corruption let add more time metrics to encourage Blizzard to add more .

You want to farm casual legacy raids for that cool mog , well it just gotten worse because some try hards pulled too many mobs in their dungeons and Blizzard does not like it