Poll: Choosing a Covenant

Jesus Christ you are whiny. Way to stick it to the man by posting on their website. Such a hero among men /sarcasm

If we can swap, my selection and benefit/ value I get doesn’t change, because I’ll still just stick to my first choice.

Other players switching takes nothing away from sticking to how I want to play from a"loyal" point of view.


It means you’re no different from someone of the same race/class/spec. I like the fact that a venthyr shaman will be a fundamentally different creature from a kyrian shaman for instance. There’s some real opportunity for identity with these covenants.

If you guys get your way, then all we basically get is…
1 new talent row.
4 new reps to grind for fluff items.

Sounds boring as hell to me.


Boring is 100% subjective.

Look, I want people to have things that they like. It just sucks that Blizzard is tying player power into aesthetics.


I really don’t understand this argument. If it’s too good, why isn’t everyone playing a Void Elf. Are they mechanically different in some way?

It reinforces the mentality only end game matters. The game lost a lot due to tryhards and added a lot of bad mechanics like heavily gated content and Rng into the game because they eat up content faster than Blizzard can make them

Funny thing is the most of the stuff they are responsible for they hate themselves like loss of ML, addition of PL, lfr ,. This expansion we lost profession boe’s profession gear because some dude would have enough time to make a 111 twink and own the place. Next expansion we are having a target cap for aoe because some ppl in some dungeons loves to make big pulls . Have you heard of profession perks ? oh wait … its gone but we have a casino going on whats in your treasure chest??

On paper that sounds nice. But what is going to happen is that Venthyr Shaman will get the raid spot, and the Kyrian Shaman will get to look cool on the bench. Or vice-versa.


I can’t really pick until I know which ability is best for which content.

But I look forward to results from the passionate ones who take part in this survey. :fist_right::fist_left:

One thing I don’t like is that some abilities are just sub-par in comparison to others. Case and point. Comparing Night Fae Paladin to Bastion Paladin. Buffs are not an acceptable solution when every other version has a really spell that feels good.

I agree with you in that it’s a cool idea since we had this in the form of the Necklaces for Aldor / Scryers, but people always went Scryers for Arcane Slash over Aldor’s messy and sub-par effect. Same reason Seal of Blood was better than Seal of Vengeance in BC.


I think it’s awesome.

Imagine if choosing Scryer back in the day got you a cool new arcane missile type ability. Or if choosing Aldor let you shoot beams of holy light at people. That woulda been sweet.


Don’t most of the MDI teams choose Night Elf? Same concept.

Kinda hard to vote on something just based on descriptions of the abilities.
But just purely based on abilities and aesthetics I’ll probably go with Venthyr.

If a guild is going to do that to their friends, they’re not a very good guild imo. Even if they somehow get an edge on progression as a result of their draconian ways, they’ve proven they’re not good people.

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Actually I’m going to have a toon in each of them based on race, class, temperament, etc. I picked Necrolord since Punt is my “main main” but this is how it will go for me:

Punt (Gnome Death Knight): Maldraxxus (no brainer)
Nailgun (Night Elf Hunter): Ardenweald (almost equally no brainer)
Staples (Draenei Priest): Bastion (Does any race get any more goody-goody than the Draenei?)
Dogmeat (Worgen Mage): Revendreth (just as Goth as vampires… with bigger fangs and a better sense of fashion )

the void elf teleport isn’t targetable.
it’s extremely hard to control it.
It’s faster to just walk over to the place you plan to teleport to.
You have to have an un obstructed path to where you’re teleporting to i.e. you can’t teleport to a ledge above with witht eh Void Elf ability, but the Venthyr ability you can

Went with Night Fae, it was a grueling decision. I rolled a d4 and that’s what I got.

I dunno. There’s all this talk of “You can leave your covenant”. I would of personally liked to see it be “You can befriend another covenant and gain access to their powers”, but the difficulty will be insane, and ramp up more.

Because then people who truly want content can grind the hell out of it for the Covenants they want to experience. Frankly I look for that to eventually go down when the fact that some Covenant abilities are mediocre become apparent.

Because then I’d have Lac work as a Necrolord and I would do the time to grind Bastion for it’s Mog.

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top raiders aren’t trying to be “good people” they’re trying to get top progression, it’s a job for some of them. Just like at many of the top companies, they’re going to go for the best person at the job, not just their friends


I don’t. We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one.

Imagine if you had to choose between a really nice set of armor with great stats but it was a mismatched clown suit like a lot of vanilla gear was and a really nice looking set of gear that you’re proud of wearing and feels good to walk around in but didn’t have good stats.

It just feels bad.


I’m just saying what happens in this game. Last patch there were people doing +10 keys and only taking 3 rogues. Obviously that isn’t necessary, but people do it. You ever try to get in to M+ as a warlock? Or get a raid spot as a Feral? Community perception is a huge thing and once a covenant gets a bad perception, those people will have to change or risk not getting groups.

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