Poll: Choosing a Covenant

I honestly just chose the one I want to play as an allied race the most, idc about the fantasy and spells.

Honestly, threads like this make me want to actively seek out and pick the absolute least optimal covenant for my chosen class spec. Just to prove to folks that you’d be fine in raiding, PvP, M+, WQing and other things no matter what.

All of them.

I have like, 50 alts, so all of them.

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Sure you can. One part of the game matters and the other part is PvP.


Imagining is your problem. So far alpha suggest that’s not the case, I guess it remains to be seen what they do with the final product. That said, it’s disingenuous to say that it doesn’t matter for 99.9% of players just because you’re a specific guild doesn’t sweat it too much. There are plenty of guilds who progress and push below mythic level. Not that I’m in this position myself, but it’s also willful ignorance to act like this won’t have any impact on pugs.

Flavorful? How about a talent row where you can pick whichever you want instead of borrowed/gated power in a system designed to reduce your ability to choose based on need? That would be flavorful.

Well for a casual/ rp player like me it wouldn’t. But I know lots of non-rp casual players that would.

I think they’ll make them swappable by release. We lose nothing for them doing that - and players won’t quit WoW for other games if they do. If they don’t- then I already know a bunch of folks that are ready to swap mmos.

Necrolord all the way.

I absolutely agree, and my guild is no different. Thing is, we’re going to pick whatever covenants we want and I am confident we’ll reach our goals eventually. And when we mess up, it’s likely going to be for other reasons than a couple of DPS percentage numbers. Usually a kink in our strategy that needs to be worked out or whatever.

Pugging sucks no matter which way you swing it, which is why guild/community raiding is just far superior imo.

If covenants were reduced to some extra talent row you can swap at any inn, that would be boring. There should be real weight to choosing a covenant beyond a few fluff items.

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I am most looking forward to Nightfae weirdly enough.

It’s all fine and good that you like to play that way, but you’re kidding if you’re trying to suggest that raiding at heroic at the end of an expansion is the same experience is trying to raid heroic while its current content and everything isn’t handed to you.

So what? We’re supposed to pretend like this isn’t going to make it harder on pugs, or pugs shouldn’t be able to pug?


The Necrolords will have need of eternal warriors.

I will be one of them.

I’ve gotten every single AotC this expansion without being 100% totally optimal at all times. It’ll be fine.

A 100% overshield and a direct damage instant cast attack? Can’t say no to that.

That% is much larger. It’s not just world first guilds. It’s pretty much all cutting edge guilds. But it doesn’t stop there. It’s also players that push high m+ keys. It’s also players that push arena. And it’s even a good chunk of players that play in a “try-hard” fashion across all of those.

Nothing is lost for rp/ casuals like myself if they have the option to switch when they play a different kind of content. And we gain nothing for having the ability to swap be restricted.

I will be doing all but my Shaman on the other hand… going to venthyr isn’t really pulling me…

I don’t know what part of this is so difficult for you to understand, but some people don’t want to wait around for the end of a raid tier either. You’re acting like this is much ado about nothing, but denying that this is nothing but an inconvenience to a superior system is pretty silly. Will it be as impactful as people are trying to make it out to be? Possibly not. Will it have an impact significantly greater than an alternate method of implementation? Absolutely.

Swapping to a different covenant either because I need to or because I want to try an alternate method of play, then trying to swap back only to have to grind for it is boring. This is just silly. You make silly arguments.


Heck it’s even the better players in lower progressed guilds. When you’re carrying players who aren’t good at the game, the more you can do the better.


You’ll be fine. You don’t have to be totally 100% optimal at everything all the time.

I’m looking forward to a real system where we have to think long and hard about our choice, which will have a lot of impact on the game. If we can swap that nilly-willy then that weight is lost and it just becomes meaningless fluff. I don’t want to see that happen.


I’m favoring Night Fae, more for character story than game performance.


Come on show the results already :rage:

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