Poll: Choosing a Covenant

I would choose Revendreth because of my interest in vampires, gothical themes and the hardest choice to pick from them all… The lore. You guys did an amazing job on the lore of all the Shadowlands factions. Its impressive :blush:

LOL blame your crap punctuation on me. Good one troll.

I guess vision isn’t your thing either since I’m clearly an orc.

No need to be rude.

Some of us want to be able to select based on the content we’re about to do, in the role we’re about to play.

Many players engage in more than just one kind of content across multiple roles. Sometimes in varying combinations in a single day.

So the one we’d want would change in a given play session, let alone across an entire expansion.


agreed the lore is actually pretty great so far from what i’ve seen

I’ve kept myself away from pretty much all story spoilers so its gonna be pretty pog

its too bad from a gameplay perspective the covenants have been designed in such a blatantly horrendous fashion. The failure to make covenant abilities swappable will be a HUGE stain on what would otherwise be a good idea.


Nice job avoiding that! Realizing your own stupidity is the first step to overcoming it.

You may want to re-read that paragraph, friend. There was no “crap punctuation”. Ahem, we’re getting off track, and as fun as this verbal sparring is we should not derail the thread. Just try to remember that not everyone plays like you do.

"Anyone who makes decisions based on player power is a sheep.

I am very intelligent".


I dont see that many people caring for that until mid to late in the expansion. They might even be nerfed at some point, so I would just rather choose what I want :grin:

My guess for top spot is either Ardenweald/Necrolords.

I find the Venthyr and Night Fae stories and aesthetics most interesting. My rogue will go Venthyr and my druid will go Night Fae.

1.) I really hope you guys figure out how to balance this so that there is no “right” choice or “wrong” choice so grave that people feel pressured to take something they don’t want.

2.) I love how Shadowlands is looking, and I’m so excited for it…but covenants? The potential for expansion rejection-level trouble is huge. /fingers crossed

3.) The art looks stunning, Blizz, as usual, and the clothing the NPCs are sporting is just phenomenal. Please, I beg of you, make sure we have access to ever so many mog options from these people. The NPC’s look amazing.

Alright Venthyr a close second place.

Thinking Lacryma is probably a Necrolord, or a Venthyr. She’s done some questionable stuff in her life. Admittedly some was under the mind-control of others, but she is a survivor and so I can see her fitting in with the Necrolords, assuming she can overlook her rabid hatred for all things Scourge-like.

Of course, Ardenweald could be a thing if the cycle of death and rebirth is really heavily hit on as her spirit animal has always been a phoenix even as far back as 2000 when I designed the character to start in Online Text RP. Bastion is a definite no for certain however.

Ultimately until I see the zones in person, I can’t completely decide but that’s my gut instinct.


Blizz designs some poor zones and maps lately.

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Can’t decide yet until I’ve played through them all. It’ll be a mix of story and how nice the zone looks that will determine it. Likely to be either Bastion or Ardenweald.

How about we don’t tie abilities to covenants. Worst idea you guys thought of next to corruption.


I raid Heroic and am not worried about our progression. I imagine that if you’re not at the absolute .01% of cutting edge progression, you’d be fine picking whatever covenant you want.

I think folks are making a big deal about nothing and it would be a shame to see such a cool flavorful thing get watered down because too many people think they’re Method.


Damn I wish there wasn’t a like cap, because you nailed it. :+1:

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I want venthyr for my Belf mage because of Kael’thas and everything…

But you had to make the class ability down right useless.
A dot that only deals real damage if the enemy uses 3 abilities during it’s duration
How great for any and all boss fights…


That might be fun for them.

For me and my guild, picking what looks cool is fun.

Letting players switch whenever they want doesn’t take away the fun for casual/ rp players like myself.

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