Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

I can multi-box with out 3rd party software.


It’s not a ban on multiboxing, just automated 3rd party software the mimics keystrokes across multiple accounts simultaneously.

People are still free to multibox the legit way, and I don’t even remember that kind of software being available until TBC.

I approve. I just wish I’d had a chance to use a hyper radiant flame reflector against a 5 boxing pom pyro mage.


It’s insane that it’s taken this many years but who cares what’s done is done at least moving forward it won’t be as big of a problem.


Big win for the community!


Not all of use input broadcasting software and multiboxers like me will be unaffected by this. That being said the majority of multiboxers do use isoboxer and are screwed

Blizz I have an addon that auto-completes quests and gossip for me with one click, that seems to violate 1 press = 1 action so I expect you’ll be sending out notices to people who use these addons right

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No. Not even remotely the same.


I mean its a great change, but its kinda late no? Took 16 years to implement


What about the people that have total automation or TELEPORTING AND FLYING AROUND THE WORLD LIKE A GM.


That is what I was thinking as in no software use or input which is what is stated which would make sense.

So many ways around it still and everyone will just go to virtual machines :grin: Now I finally have a solid reason to save over $150 a month in subs.

Yeah, one real person. Botting requires exactly zero people to be in front of the keyboard. That’s the key distinction.

If you want to argue multi-boxing is a problem because of the level of automation, well ok but they literally just said they’re banning it sooooo…

Really big for TBC-Classic too

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RIP the economy when token payouts drop… gold sellers will influx… a huge rise of bots… and and those that bout from us wholesale from crafts now selling what they can craft for 10x the price in AH… get rekt… inb4 all the MB haters realized this is not what they actually wanted lol


That is 3rd party software interacting with the game client as well. A blanket ban now means they can simply ban if they see 3rd party apps interacting with the client. It makes fighting this much easier.

and im still gonna MB using hardware kvm on mulitiple computers… since this is software only ban. everyone else can enjoy being broke


Clearly your just a minority.

As an on-again/off-again multiboxer, I find it funny lol.
Honestly multiboxers of today have completely abused how lenient Blizzard was towards us. Will save me some money for TBC, as 5x shaman was freaking awesome back then haha. It used to be a niche gameplay style where people for the most part ignored it, but some of the crap we can do today is over the line.
I really hope this cracks down on some of the botters now. As hopefully they can set their cheat detection to find them much easier now since they don’t have to filter for “legit” multiboxers.


Yet most bot farms have people in front he of the keyboards to make sure a systemic failure doesnt happen to all or some of the clients for the hours they are using them to bot.