Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Botting was never allowed and multiboxing is still not botting no matter how much your little hate group tries to cry it is. Multiboxing is not having multiple accounts - it is controlling multiple accounts.


Quit saying I’m part of a hate group. I’m not fam. I just like playing the game without cheating and I think everyone else should as well.


In what way is it cheating? Is it cheating in the same way that you can buy gold in game with tokens / real money? Is it cheating in the same way that you can buy levels?

I really don’t care if multiboxing technically wasn’t banned if this policy ensures a dramatic reduction in multiboxers anyway, although I’m guessing this move might be a stepping stone.

I’ve explained it enough in this thread, you can scroll up and look at my previous responses. Defend it all you want my guy. It’s no longer a playstyle that Blizzard sees as legal. So now it’s definitely cheating (it was still cheating before btw :blush:)

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Biden winning the election and multibotters being banned
 is the 2020 curse finally over?


Sorry, it’s hard to keep track of almost 2000 post here :wink:

2021 looking fresh


So because you dont like it it should be banned
on that same mentality I dont like your name so change it
(actually like the name just trying to make u see how you sound)

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You don’t need five computers, It’s called virtual machines.

Not even remotely the same thing.

Still wrong on that buddy, It’s not bannable at all.

Isn’t cheating, You really are either dense, Trolling or part of a hate group, Take your pick

sigh You again, Multi boxing isnt banned, And multi boxing isn’t botting.


Good afternoon Wildsinger. Hope you’re having a wonderful day my friend =)


No, but now that it actually runs counter to a game system [re: Covenants] it’s getting hit.

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I won’t believe that until I see the “The Terms of Use have changed” window.

For now, I see the window only when running a private server client.

These days, Blizzard’s official Terms of Use are “We can ban you without any reason”. So you can ban us even for just existing. Or for being black.

Maybe it is the time to set up some rules? I’m not feeling comfortable being threatened with ban for doing something that I’ve been doing for 10 years after seeing a blue post approving that.

So, when are we going to see the next “Terms of Use have changed” window?

Last time I’ve seen that window was
 patch 6.0.2, right?


“Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. Please note, however, that use of input broadcasting software may result in account penalties.”

So now that we are clear that you are wrong

Fair enough, valid point.

It just seemed the decision was correlated more to the explosion of Boomy Bots (in both BfA/Legion areas) & the Nazjatar node armies. Just the sheer number compared to previous expansions.

But, the change could have layers of intent.

They literally say “Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation" They said playing multiple accounts at once - not simply having multiple accounts open. All they have done is made the input broadcasting software trigger warden. Multiboxing - the act of controlling more than one toon at the same time - is still ok as long as you don’t have the input broadcasting software.

This is pointless, you know for a fact that mutlboxing or playing more than one account is not against the rules. So stop trying to split hairs on what is “playing” and just read the damn rule.

This is amazing news!

Thanks blizz.

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are you telling me you dont use any addons from 3rd parties? not a single 3rd party addon? DBM/bigwigs/recount/details. Dont some of those addons give you an unfair advantage over people that dont use them? What about TSM? That program gave a huge advantage regarding the AH, and automated a lot of functions. Ever use scrapbot? One click and all scrappable items get put into the scrapper so you dont have to click on each item you want to scrap and drag into the box. Addons make the game much more convenient and are huge improvements over the standard blizzard interface. But they do give major advantages compared to those who dont use them. Should all addons be banned to make it fair?


Botting and “multibotting” =/= multiboxxing

People are gonna just spam reports anytime they see a multiboxxer, but that’s a waste of resources that can be spent on cleaning up actual cheaters/abusers (e.g. actual botters)

If you see a multiboxer, just watch them for a bit and note whether or not they do things simultaneously (//EDIT: likely bannable if not being achieved specifically through a hardware only means end edit//) or in succession (achievable by just swapping through characters and issuing commands one at a time.)