Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Just payed 10 subs, I may not be able to refund them, but i can say for sure that if this keeps going in this direction, I will most def not not keep them.

Right now you have boxers crying, the next month you will have everyone else crying because the economy crashed and at least half the botters will still be around, nice job blizzard.

  1. Teleporting Bots
  2. 24/7 Strat Bots
  3. 24/7 flying under the earth mining bots

Blizzard: We should stop multiboxing!

What a retarded company. 15 years and you decide that NOW multiboxing is a problem.


Honestly, those that want to multibox will still find a way, this just makes it more tedious which will be a welcomed change for people who like to solo farm mats, and couldn’t compete with multiboxers stripping nodes nearly instantaneously. Those people also claimed they were a benefit to the market, but were they really when they were the ones putting majority of the mats up on AH and able to control the price.

preach it brother

Botters are using the same software as multiboxers, It makes sense to outrule that software.

They didn’t ban multiboxing you can still do it just with hardware, A hardware KVM and some VM’s and you’ll be multiboxing the EXACT sameway you used to.

Took about 45min to setup this morning.

I just somehow got it in my head that two weeks of extended maintenance that maybe they might be looking to get the Bot population under control

Nope… multiboxing =/

edit: at least with a hardware KVM and VMs you don’t have to worry about blizzard F-Tier anti-botting software picking up your ISBoxer suite.

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Chromie time allows for 14 phases of the same spot via party sync for a 50 or just simply choosing a timeline on a 49 or lower. WM adds 7 layers chromie adds 7 xpacs. thats 14 layers/phases.

so chromie made it 14 times more profitable than bfa and before.
legion had something similar with server xfer addons but that was dealt with. For the same reason imho. Considering Chromie time is their baby they are not going to kill it like they did the server xfer addons.

this is about money and not about player fairness.


Man, the only thing that changes regarding to mining herbing is that you had actual people farming and controlling the market, now we will have bots farming these too, bots don’t need several accounts to farm, they mostly farming individually to avoid being all banned at once, besides the fact that is much hard to spot a bot solo, in fact I can bet you that multiboxers get more reports than actual bots.


Once again Blizzard we meet.

There seems to be a lot of misconceptions as to what the difference between multiboxing and botting is. Multiboxing is player controlled actions and under blizzards rules only allows for combat buttons to be broadcasted eg. 1-12 etc on your action bars (1 key press 1 action per client, but any broadcasting outside of a combat attack is considered a bannable offense by most GMs which is why there is always a follow target leader). Meanwhile a botter uses pure hands free automation, that being what many would understand in the 2000s as running a sequential script eg. one button handles multiple character actions at once in an order. These days through object oriented programming and automation algorithms bots can do more than just run in a fixed circle loop like a dog on a leash.

This change literally is pointing the finger at the players who are actually playing the game to say hey, due to regulation and needing to look good socially we’re going to ban you multiboxers. (Yes, I’ve read the clarification post too but it changes nothing)

Meanwhile completely automated bot networks are throw away commodities that can and will continue to flourish. What blizzard is actually doing is pushing all the legitimate multiboxers or prospective multiboxers into just going straight to buying botting software or quitting. If botting accounts get banned, who cares; go get more. It is punishing a whole community of players rather than actually addressing the problem of botting. Nearly 1 out of 3 players I’ve spoken to recently have admitted to using botting software at some point throughout their WoW career which I find disturbing. So if most multiboxers care about following ToS why are you hurting the players who want to comply? Because most players if they want to bot will bot and you’re giving a reason for many many multibox farmers to just go bot. Which in the end just hurts everyone playing by the rules because you will never keep up with the dark hats.

If you give people the choice they will always do the wrong thing rather than the right thing so long as it is feasible. Botting software is going to see more revenue as there is no grey or legitimate solution which will in turn drive dark hats to create newer botting software that will continue to spoof your systems.

As usual punishing the real players due to your poor solution design. Rather than recreating your in game tracking systems you go for the brute force approach. This literally ostracises an entire community and YET AGAIN encourages players to smear others the moment they see one account following another with mass auto reports to get players banned.

I mean honestly, the effort going into these fixes are downright disgusting. The decisions lately reflect those of an entry level programmer. It comes across that way because the decisions are so radical and devoid of depth, which shows where this company is going wrong. It looks as if there isn’t enough time for teams going through their sprints that rash decisions or solutions are getting thrown out there and they fruition because it’s the quickest/easiest choice.

The simple player behaviour results in: Timmy see’s Tommy in the world with his second account on follow and due to ignorance will now say, oh that’s botting right? right click - report: cheating meanwhile tommy gets his main account auto banned for 3 months wondering what he did wrong.

How about the millions of dollars that are going to be lost? It’s fairly clear that P6 Classic should be a Jan release but hang on if you release P6 + Shadowlands that means you’re compensating for the expected revenue loss from multiboxing accounts. We all know there needs to be another iteration cycle for retail and a staggered release with classic but you’ve got shareholders to impress with the big 4th don’t you? Too bad your 1st quarter is going to take a huge dive and you’re not going to be able to hide that one from them.

I’m sorry but as in my last post regarding the padding fix, this is another decision that ultimately pushes away an entire community that is investing thousands of dollars into your game and doing it legitimately.

Commit to Quality - “Blizzard polish” doesn’t just refer to our gameplay experiences, but to every aspect of our jobs. We approach each task carefully and seriously. We seek honest feedback and use it to improve the quality of our work. At the end of the day, most players won’t remember whether the game was late – only whether it was great." - It hasn’t been around for a while.

Part of the problem is that thousands of players are going to reply to these threads and think this is wonderful meanwhile, they don’t even have a clue what the difference between a multiboxer and botter is, they’re the same group of people to them. You Blizzard, should be defining the difference between the player groups and supporting them not using one group to get to the other or choosing the cheapest and easiest solutions to implement on your #1 IP. Blanket canvasing is not good for anyone, have you not kept up to date with how great social politics is going at the moment?

I’ve already had reports of many many legitimate players now getting themselves ready to close all their accounts if not in the past 24 hours but in the coming weeks. Players with hundreds of play hours on these accounts which will become bricks. Of course some can’t even get a refund on their subscriptions or game purchases due to some fantastic HR GMs.

You know for some players the game is going into dungeons with a team and soloing them with 5 accounts, pushing the game to it’s limits which requires action bar broadcasting effecting nobody. But because of your instance based design, shared loot/nodes & instant respawns it encourages high volume farming. People regardless of whether they’re a single account, multi account or bot user are abusing these systems to increase their revenue. This change won’t fix the problem it will just encourage the botters to invest more into bot software design and single account users to start either use bot software or use large bot networks. This is a result of poor system design that reflects poorly on the teams developing them. In the first place none of these systems should be exploitable, fix the systems; don’t ban players for legitimately exploiting your bad system design. You did not do a proper assessment if you did not see the unintended side effects.

Multiboxers have always been at the mercy of GMs and many of a GM has been itching to find a reason to ban a multiboxer whether it be poor control, world PvP griefing or group/public chat. We are always watched over and monitored. Most multiboxers follow the rules and invest emotional effort and time into building teams and setups. Farming and dungeoneering is an important of that gameplay but all of the exploits used are the tools you have given players in-game. Whether that be smart-heals like Chain Heal or Starfall as AOE. Perhaps it’s hunters pets abilities to get loot or the loot-a-rang or AOE looting. How about the use of phasing with instant respawn areas or 10 characters being able to use one node. These are all your implementations which you should have strict controls on. Raid teams are AOE looting Songflower in Classic and solo Mages are AOE farming dungeons because of poor mob pathing. So is the invention of the world buff meta in Classic, these are all forms of exploiting the game to get the maximum potential from it and players will always do what’s most beneficial to them if it’s within ToS, regardless of whether they have 1 or 40 characters.

Multiboxers don’t feel as if they have a voice because you have refused to publicly support their gameplay method. There won’t be much if not any push back on this fix and just a whole bunch of echoes saying oh good on you blizzard. Meanwhile the end result and problem won’t change. Players will still buy gold and botters will still profit in cash. Prices for gold will go up and players will pay it because they’re lazy, and once the botting solutions are working as intended the cash gold prices will go back down again.

So here we are once again, it’s time for thousands of players to turn their backs on you blizzard because you’ve decided to cut them out. Once Classic LK has finished it’s release cycle this IP is without a doubt over. Looking at retail and the awful system bloat and infinite bandaid fixes convincing consumers that they’re getting a new product every 18 months is old. These are the signs of the impending end to this IP and a whole generation of Blizzard Loyal Consumers.

It’s clear when you replace human based HR with auto response and chat bots. That every choice this company is making is to cut the human interaction whether it be in-game tickets or with blizzard employees as seen with Paris or being able to count the total amount of classic GMs on your hands. You won’t hear us cheer for you when you do something right but you will hear us when you do something wrong and every step forward you take the players seem to take a step back.

Companies like Lavishsoft (iSBoxer) have always supported the World of Warcraft multiboxing community within the bounds of ToS and desire to continue in providing a product that is deemed acceptable by Blizzard. It is now especially during the Covid Pandemic that small companies like this need not only the support of their consumer base but of the industry leaders they attempt to work with. If you cannot allow input broadcasting as a blanket rule, please allow this company to provide a legitimate broadcasting input option for players that you can support and be managed. But multiboxing without any form of actionbar input broadcasting means multiboxing for PvE is pointless and if this extends to client management then it is well and truly a dead playstyle. Don’t punish players for your poor, lazy systems and refusal to fix them when you yourselves are utilising automation to generate our content or ban players. The so called blizzard polish doesn’t seem to exist anymore because nothing is ever fixed properly, completely overhauled, replaced or made by hand utilising well thought out plans. World of Warcraft is the last big haven for the multiboxing community, please don’t take this gameplay style customisation away from us.

World of Warcraft is a social game with a symbiotic relationship between a player and a designer. Players at every turn are getting slammed in the face for investing relationships, income and time into a world where designers are more worried about shareholders than their customers who generate that profit. The players and designers have not been in a symbiotic relationship since Vivendi was bought out. We play because we have hope that the Blizzard of old we grew up with would hopefully one day come back. That’s why Classic is so popular, it’s pure and designed by the original creators. Retail is the product of trying to flog a dead horse to increase profit without reinvesting in a new project.

Blizzard, listen and accommodate for each unique audience that you intend to effect. Don’t listen to the uninformed but those loyal fans who you’re suppose to be in sync with. The rich will be rich, the poor will be poor but those in between will be punished for all.

Please like so Blizzard may read.

edit: Asmongold has proven my point by encouraging a witch hunt on all players multiboxing. I’m disappointed in you Blizzard, you’ve turned your own playerbase against itself rather than doing the ethical thing and fixing your systems. I think it’s time to throw your relationships with any programming/engineering professional associations in the bin.


I don’t play retail so I don’t really understand anything that you just said.

As usual with Blizzard it’s about money.


lets see how they like money when 10,000+ subs get cancelled


Chromie time has a total of 14 instances of the world and all outside zones per server. not just the pve and pvp instances of the server.

More like 50k+, or even 100k+ subs about to be cancelled.


when i started multiboxing a few weeks ago it was enjoyable playing the game from a different aspect, i really didn’t care about making gold.

its been sad thanks blizzard yet again killing my classic multibox dream !


Bots are forbidden for 16 years, and still there.


I just activated a 4th and 5th account because I wanted to get into multiboxing for solo dungeons. If I can’t do that why am I paying for extra account?

Hint: I won’t.


the only change is chromie time

14 phases of an area instead of 1. chromie time mechanic is inherently broken

I know right!
Those Druidbots are an absolute pain when you’re leveling through an area where they decide to setup. I don’t know how they haven’t been banned for their behaviour.

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5 subs cancelled!


if botters can write the code for the bot how long till they work a way around it? hint: they already have