you can’t hide a multibox from a witch hunt be careful playing over the next while
Depends on how “serious” they want to take it but it’s possible to detect if the client is running in a virtualized environment by the presence of certain CPU registers.
Other tools also exist on many OS’s (WMI and WMIC) to report back similar information also.
hardware KVM would at that point require an output signal from a BOT and then attempt gain information from one of the clients it’s way too convoluted they will go with EASIER solutions rather than using multiboxing setups.
Or they will do what most botters do, Just do it anyway and not give a damn, The only ones that suffer are legitimate people.
In general Multiboxing is game breaking. But the game is 15 years old, it’s already been broken a million times. Playing 2 or 20 characters is just another way to enjoy the game. Banning multiboxing at this point is just going to prop up bots. And a lot of cancelled subs because playing 1 character has already be done umpteenbillion times.
Do a windows VM inside a Linux VM. VMs all the way down!
I multibox and I support this decision. Well, I did multibox…
and I will keep playing WoW. This is a good move for the health of the game.
yes but the cake is a lie
I think eliminating multi-boxer ‘noise’ makes bot detection a lot easier.
probably true
Nooooo. That’s not true! That’s impossible…
Side note i have cancelled 5 subs until they reverse this terrible decision
Just buy a 20 dollar KVM replicator dude jesus.
I made millions before mboxing, and I will make millions afterwards. mboxing isnt dead. it’s currently just the software used. my plan going into shadowlands, 5 man team without software, very much do-able
I plan on multiboxing via hardware in SL
was thinking something super crazy but i’ll probably scale down to maybe some keys for my feet to press.
While I don’t multibox with software (manual control of each of two accounts), I cannot help but feel there is some sort of capitulation in this move. How could an entity, with all the game intelligence that Blizzard has, not view this as a problem years ago?
Pie > cake anyways.
CHROMIE TIME IS TO BLAME. it has increased profits by 14 times for organized bots and multiboxers alike
1 INPUT=1 OUTPUT!!! If you have 50 keyboards and 50 mice, go ahead. If not, you are literally using automation to play other characters .Cheaters mad. Go spend your excess wealth on more important things.
Actually, on our server it had the reverse affect. The multi-boxers were often on other servers, and because of the cross-realm zones, they took all our mats.
Lets just say, I made a lot of gold selling potions at 5 times regional average.
I won’t pretend to understand how wow detects bots. So this could be true. I hope that’s the goal. But honestly doubt it. There’s plenty of reasons to ban multiboxers, but doing it under guise of “so we can detect bots better” sounds like a cop out.