Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

See here, I wonder how many times i will have to post this.

PS: Everyone uses 3rd party software every day that interfaces with wow in one form or another be it
Combat log readers
Addon updaters
People who use texture /other mods (Not that i say you should but many people do)
People who use Reshade or other equivilents to make things prettier
Anyone who uses an overlay typicly discord and or hardware monitors.

its not the same because blizzard sees this style of play as a threat to the game as a whole. this ban is targeted at botters and people who farm 24/7 to reach gold cap 20 times over. its common more than ever because of this program and the userbase will dwindle because of this ban. i dont get whats so hard to understand about this. theres nothing righteous about a multiboxer using a third party program to reach gold cap.

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Well, I don’t want to waste all my energy in this thread telling people multiboxing will still be around because I need to save some for the threads in the coming days of “why do I still see multiboxers” :rofl:

Good luck Wildsinger!

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Oh I read it. Doesn’t change the fact you’re wrong

I just bought a 20 dollar KVM replicator, This is going to be hilarious when people see me multiboxing 3 demon hunters in WPVP without breaking any rules.

Enjoy your future ban


But i’m not violating any rules why would i be banned?

It’s like said by others it’s more nuanced than that.

Some hyperspawn farmers might have used the software but their style of play (stacking multiple characters and spamming keystrokes) doesn’t require the software.

The software exists for people who want to run small boxed content (think dual boxing or 3-5 box setups) on a single machine.

You get rid of the software the 2-5 boxers are gone. The 20 man hyperspawn farmers are still there.

The very thing you QQ’d about for months or years, the very thing Bluzzard is trying to prevent is still alive and well.

Lost subscribers is your net gain. It’s retarded but so is the company so w/e.

how does this make sense? im genuinely curious. less clients the easier it is to multibox no? i highly doubt someone flying around on 20 druids herbing or hyper farming mobs in a dense area isnt using a insane hardware setup or this 3rd party program theyre banning.

The insane hardware setups aren’t as insane as you’d think, Most of it’s done through a hypervisor and a KVM replicator or hardware multiplexxer, KVM replicators and multiplexxers are very cheap thesedays, They used to cost thousands of dollars that’s why software was used instead because the overhead was acceptable and we had enough processing power to spare for the sake of it being free/very low cost.

That’s the point.

20 man hyperspawn farmers are already more likely to be playing one more than one PC. So they’re already setup to hardware multiplex which means warden does nothing to action them.

The people playing on more than one account on a single medicore PC are not playing 20 characters hyperspawn farming. You’re then looking at people like me. Someone who historically has 2-5 boxed PvE and a little PvP content. We’re gone. Your 20 man hyperspawn farmer is still around.

That’s a net loss.

So instead of a 3rd party software you’re going to use a piece of hardware that replicates your keystrokes to multiple pcs instead? How is this any different from software. Warden will see the same keystroke among multiple characters at the same intervals just like using software.

We get it bro. You’re emotional and crying in the pillow because you can’t have an unfair advantage anymore. Just let it go and play the game like the rest of the playerbase


there’s also nothing at all in this policy change that’s going to do anything more than cause multiboxers to adjust a few settings.

let me tell you about these things, you might have heard of them. they are called “virtual machines” and they’re what the two people i know who multibox use.

i only know one guy’s setup. he uses a 64 core Threadripper cpu, and until the recent nvidia launch he used two nvidia Titan RTX gpus and a custom Linux OS. within his linux system he would spin up multiple “virtual machines” or VM’s, as windows instances. each instance of windows he runs a wow game client on, each sandboxed and separate. the thing about a virtual machine is, it doens’t know it’s a virtual machine, so there’s nothing for blizzard’s warden software to detect. it thinks it’s a regular physical computer getting input from a regular keyboard and mouse. blizzard’s detection software can’t do anything about it, or even “detect” that it’s running on a virtual machine, because the machine that’s running the virtual ones controls every single bit of information that the virtual machine has access to.

there is nothing blizzard can do to stop this, at all, ever, in any realm of possibility, and they know it. this policy change does absolutely nothing except score brownie points with ignorant ignoramuses who think they understand what multiboxxing is when they really don’t.

multiboxxing isn’t cheap, and anyone who can afford to do it will simply reconfigure their operations to get around it, and everything will continue along just as it always has.


blizzards rules explicitly state software keystroke mirroring and this is because people are using bots to interface with that.

Blizzard hasn’t said we can’t use hardware/physical multiplexxers, therefor it isn’t against the rules, You think Warden is some magical program that can see into 5 different dimensions, It can only READ the memory of world of warcraft and the operating system it’s on, It cannot penetrate a hypervisor.

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No, it won’t.

What are you going to do? Compare warden stats from different operating systems and different IP addresses to see if they fall within ms of each other?

Do you realize how improbable that is?

This change means they will scan for the software interacting with their software. That’s it. A hardware layer removes the software detection problem completely.

Honestly looks like you’re just trying to find a loophole to be able to continue to multibot. Go for it man, but don’t be surprised if you get banned when they start issuing punishments


Now that I can’t multibox that kind of makes me want to start.

If they wanted to get rid of multiboxxers they would ban MULTIBOXING wich would end it outright, They don’t care about multiboxers and have repeatedly said that it’s fine.

All they are doing is saying no to Software keystroke mirroring.

If you think blizzard doesn’t know about Hardware multiplexers and hypervisors… holy hell you must be dense.

you still can.

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oh nvm then

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yes but at the end of the day, a portion will take a hit. its so common now you can literally type in google how to reach gold cap multiboxing and youll get a guide talking about this stupid program. this ban is targeted at bots and the that fact any random joe can invest in multiple wow accounts on a shtty pc to reach gold cap because they saw a reddit post. people who invest thousands of dollars or whatever to make this a viable playstyle is not the target audience for this ban.