amen brother
yeah thats why I mostly said it was useless to even try… these people are reading fake news then projecting on here and end up having blizz make new policy’s that are way over board, how about you just make a rule about how many you can box at a time. limit the accounts you can own one btag and use that as the limit. or other things in that way not a, well you can multi box, but cant make it fun,
Btag has a limit already, it’s 8 wow accounts per. The people you see with 20, 40, 100 characters just have many bnets
And those people are using typicly a far more complicated solution than just Innerspace and Autohotkey
This change literally does not hurt them at all.
yes. but having over 10(lets says his node farming) you can only get 10 “hits” off one node… yes I can see how that a pain I multibox… and I think thats crazy doing that, and yes they have a limit but not a limit on how many you can multibox at a time,
Broadcasting key strokes is ultimately not the problem. The problem is the botting software that has, mind you, been “banned” since the beginning. Your issue is with botting practices, not non botting multiboxers. People you have probably seen a couple times out farming or running around doing quests/dailies. Not standing in one spot for 20 hours a day/7 days a week farming.
Doesn’t prepared 102 box using ISBoxer?
Actually I found my answer, he said in discord he cancelled all 102 of his accounts and is going back to Everquest
Jesus the amount of time it must have taken to cancel 102 accounts
You can however use Interact with Target and assist macros.
But you can’t /follow so resynchronizing becomes a big problem if you get fear bombed.
yes, like I spent a whole day farming ghost iron one day and found a botter doing so same with one account, for hours, didnt think about it when I first seem him then latter followed him and his actions where crazy, kinda funny, he would grab a node this fly up a little then spin around a few times then fly off on every node.
He will be back with hardware multiplexxers, Trust me he’s “Quit” a few times before.
but how would you broadcast the keystrokes
I don’t multibox, but I don’t really consider this a fair decision. You let people go for years doing this and there is no problem, now you want to ban people who have paid you and built up many accounts for doing this?
I get it, it is easier for you to do this than handle botting complaints but you are catching a whole bunch of people who didn’t bot in this for no good reason (well other than you are being cheap but your cheapness may cost you in the end).
ive stated multiple times already i have no issue with people who multibox legitmately. i have issues with botters that abuse this program and the real players that abuse it too. does it affect me personally that someone who uses this program to farm gold is gold capped? no, but im not delusional enough to say its legitimate and fair way to play the game and apparently neither is blizzard.
Personally I plan to will my actions to my characters I think if I believe hard enough I can control all my characters with willpower alone
That’s a very good change.
What I’m saying is that out right banning broadcasting tools is the equivalent of having all your teeth pulled because one of them had a cavity.
You multibotters sure do have thick skulls. It’s a 3rd party software. It turns one action into more than one result. It is automation
If one of my teeth ever betrayed me by getting a cavity they all have to go. They may be planning a coup to take over the whole body!
This is really good news. Maybe gathering professions will have some value again.
Beyond this, it was just so eerie to see clearly multibotting druid flying around gathering, and it was not a good look for the game or its community. I know this decision could not have been made lightly, as it goes against the bottom line… but it will certainly pay off. We the players thank you!