Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Multi-boxing is allowed, they didn’t outright ban it. I’ll still multi-box to farm on a daily basis. It’s not as if alt-tabbing is the most difficult thing to do in the world.

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Or disabling windows focus

Or using a KVM

Or using a chinese KVM replicator

Or using a virtual machine or literally doing all the things we did before with hardware instead of software, This change literally stops nothing.

i dont even farm gold, or give a sht about gold really. i sit on 900k every expansion because i just care about being good at the game itself. but you are purposely delusional if you dont think the botting multiboxers make everything dirt cheap.

Sorry fam, Your the one saying multiboxing is automation you are the delusional one here.

Don’t you worry, my goblin friend, there will plenty of normal players getting out there to do the farming. In fact, its looking a lot more likely now I will first play either my alchemist/herbalist or scribe/herbalist since I may well have more chance to gather my own herbs. And I have two characters who are only gatherers, so I might even set them to work to make me some initial gold.

I think there will still be plenty to go around.

Its still done. I have been in alot of BGs were the opposing team has multiboxers or the team i am on someone has a toon on both teams at once.

Yeah, gathering groups will still exist. You just need to put the rest of the “bots” on auto follow and then alt tab when you need them to gather.

What they are doing hasn’t changed or been stopped at all, I’m actually online in-game if you want me to explain why since we are on the same realm

well, good thing blizzard banned this automation and will continue to do so once work arounds are found. hf being a stain on the community and being viewed negatively by literally everyone.

Except it’s not automation… why can’t you get that in your head?

blizzard says otherwise fam. unlucky!

Nothing I said was contradictory. Casuals loss out, botters will keep on.

Hate group’s gonna hate. Particularly since they now feel that Blizzard has justified their position. That’s the worst part in all of this.

No actually they havn’t… they holy crap how are you so bad at this?

some casuals lose out, some botters lose out(because they use this program to multibox hello?) but overall its better for the game as a whole.

read the ToS. 3rd party software is banned? am i making it up? no its right there in this very thread. peace out.

lies. first unless its a 10 boxer that herb will still be there…my friend farms with one account and he does fine and he never leaves pvp…you…cant…multibox…bg’s…like all… even if you did it would be to stupid to do so… wouldnt be ale to move around well and would just end up dead more times then anything.

That doesn’t mean it’s automation jesus christ on a stick, Blizzard also banned AVR but that isn’t automation either and there are still plenty of 3rd party things that interact with wow.

You can technicly multibox in battlegrounds but it’s signifigantly harder and the second anything disrupts it, Synchronization goes out the window, As you have to rely on raw input and can’t use /follow

Woooo. Thanks blizz.