Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Wait, does this mean Follow WA’s are also bannable or?

It’s not giving an advantage over regular players, Are you purposly being dense?

The reason why they are doing it is to avoid paying license fee’s, License fee’s are often based on a “Per active use”

One bot license allows for interfacing with 1 client botters wont make money with that

two bot licenses allow for interfacing with 2 clients, But again you aren’t making money with that because costs are going up

Enter software that multiboxers (Which isn’t cheating see https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/24258 blizzard does not view multiboxers as cheating) were using since it became EASIER and FREE compared to buying a hardware multiplexer or a mechanical interface that allows broadcasting your input to multiple clients.

Botting is where software becomes the person creating the input, isboxer etc aren’t creating inputs they are BROADCASTING the inputs.

Botting with multiboxing software allows

1 bot license = configurable number of clients

Vastly increases profit of using a bot.

It is easier to target Multiboxing software wich isn’t cheating to kill the bots than it is to target botters, companies will always take the path of LEAST resistence to get the job done because it’s often cheaper.

but blizzard deemed this program is getting out of hand. as you said, its easier now and more abusable. they wouldnt alienate a portion of their niche player base just to combat botters. they deem the program itself is now unhealthy to the game as whole. just how it is.

They CAN have that affect on the game. What can make them have that negative impact on the game can be mitigated other ways.
Me farming Nalak 5x at once doesn’t negatively impact your day.

I’m curious why you keep replying to yourself.

It’s going to be funny how much you care when the guys who are stack farming hyperspawns are still doing it after this change.

The only people who got screwed by this are people doing M+ keys, competitive PvP and raids. Aka people you never saw and never impacted your gameplay.

The witch hunt will not stop and I’d advise anyone who multiboxes to just stop funding the game. Let the normies and the botters fight each other while the game circles the drain.

Pained groaning sound

If they deemed it unhealthy https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/24258 wouldn’t exist and MULTIBOXING ITSELF WOULD BE BANNED why can’t you understand this?

Am i speaking in spanish or something?

Am i speaking in Russian?

Are my words being Garbled by the server?

Banning SOFTWARE BROADCASTERS requires ZERO dev time and results in a lot of people who were botting (Which is bad) from being stopped, Thus meaning zero cost = Result.

Banning software broadcasters only impacts Amature multiboxers

If Multiboxing was viewed as bad or unhealthy by blizzard this again https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/24258 would NOT EXIST AS THEY WOULD JUST BAN MULTIBOXERS

The program is no different to a hardware multiplexer (a physical device to present itself as MULTIPLE devices) and no different to me pressing the same key on two seperate keyboards (a physical interaction doing the same as above just requiring larger energy requirement as in literally i am pulling more power from the wall socket to do so)

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I was looking for info on hardware multiplexing which is apparently still allowed.

Wow gamer word alert !


you are in some blind crusade to prove how innocent multiboxers are when im specifically talking about the multiboxing nerds who abuse 20 accounts to EASILY reach gold cap multiple times because of a unfair advantage program. literally no one cares about the people that multibox 2-3 characters. its unhealthy for the game and is now banned! plain and simple my guy.

Doesn’t impact classic. Bots are filled in certain dungeons and gold buying is rampant.

Except it’s not an unfair advantage, I reached goldcap in 2 days not doing boxing at all, ANYONE can achieve gold cap if they know what to do and what to look for.

I don’t even multibox, You are trying to state something that is inherently wrong.

There is no unfair advantage, They aren’t getting extra GCD’s, They aren’t getting extra time available on the server, Their gear doesn’t sell for more than anyone else.

You are in some blind crusade because you honestly have no idea how any of it actually works.


They are. These were the rules. Now it changed.
If you were concerned, at all, with something, you would be with bots.

At the end of the day: mad cuz poor.

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Is this your first online video game? You signed the ToS.

of course i dont know how it works, i play fairly. and at the end of the day im not wrong, because the program is banned all there is to it.

They are playing fairly aswell… they aren’t violating the terms of service and hint the people doing it with 20 are rarely using software for it they are using hardware.

What I don’t understand is why they can’t easily detect that a bot is repeating the same action in the game across multiple characters on the same account or otherwise, especially if someone reports them.
Back to the druids I saw in Azuna farming murlocs example. They were all running along the exact same path independently from one another. Every single one of them. How can this not be easily detected and dealt with? They all had names like UIEA, UIEB, UIEC, etc.

not according to blizzard, because the program is gone. unlucky, i hope your new method to abuse the system on 20 characters works out for you. maybe blizzard will ban it too if it gets out of hand again 0.0

They were playing fair :rofl: