Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

What? It doesn’t matter what the actual technology was. Your argument is pure sophistry (plus its also a false equivalence).

The basic outcome was a single human being performed one action and that action was reflected in multiple accounts.

The technology side of HOW it was done is only going to affect the success/failure rate of the Blizzard’s measures. Sure there may be tech limitations to what they can accomplish. It might be DIFFICULT for them, that doesn’t change the philosophical stand.

You are completely welcome to do that, no one cares about that type of running multiple clients.

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You would be surprised at what blizzard can and can’t detect, The issue is banning things at the right time as to fool people making these bots to which part of their bot got detected.

Right now there are more botters using isboxer and autohotkey than there are multiboxers, isboxer and autohotkey and innerspace are all the ‘easy’ entry levels to boxing.

Again there is no automation in multiboxing, You aren’t getting something for free, Extra stuff isn’t happening, One input is still ONE output.

the use of isboxer is no different to me standing at a table with two keyboards two mice two whole computers and pressing the “3” key on both keyboards at hte same time while logged into the same class with the same bindings on two accounts.

All it did was remove the need for a hardware multiplexer, A hypervisor or having multiple machines and a mechanical input copier.

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Are you for real? of course it is.

No it really isn’t, The result is the same the energy difference is what changes.

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And those of us who aren’t cheating get it in the crossfire.

I’ll be honest here, I know that some Multiboxers abuse the economy and the system and I am sure there are programs for botters to use similar things. However, I started multiboxing because I simply do not have the time to wait and find a group to run a 5 man dungeon anymore. I don’t have the time to farm mats and consumables for hours on end with my real life outside of WoW. I love playing wow and endgame raiding but for me, it’s not possible anymore with Classic at least with this change. Retail has game tokens that you can purchase to make up the difference and that’s more efficient for me than multiboxing anyday. But, I have come to really enjoy being able to do things that require 3-4 people by myself when I have a random 5-15 minutes free. It’s upsetting to say the least and I hope that the reprecussions of this don’t ruin the game completely because it is an awesome game. I however, will not be able to do end game raiding or speed runs in classic. I proably won’t get my KT kill which is what I was looking for from classic because it was the only boss I didn’t get to kill in vanilla. But I hope that there will be some way for me to continue playing with the lifestyle that I have because I enjoy the game. I wish Blizzard would take this into consideration before issuing these actions because I don’t want to play any other games or leave the community of friends I have made here because I cannot keep up with the weekly consumables needed. Multiboxing gave me the ability to pay blizzard for the chance to cut my consumable farming time down from 4 hours a week to 1 hour a week. For me, that is huge and the difference between raiding which is why I play and not raiding. I know that multiboxers get a lot of slack, some are jerks who make a bunch of mages that POM pyro ppl in BRM each week and that sucks, but there are other things ruining the game too like grievers each week on tuesday night who literally sit in major cities trying to dispell peoples world buffs. Go after the bots, they ruin the economy and make black market gold buying a thing that other people who play 1 account feel they have to do to keep up, but I never tried to wipe a raid group unless they first tried to fear bomb and attack my guys. I never abused the economy and tried to play the AH with the gold that I made. I never screwed anyone over who was in a group I played with. I just farmed enough mats to get my consumes and do the things like the scarab lord questline (after the event) because NO ONE wanted to do it and I needed more bodies to kill the elites. As a healer main, it was a game/life changer.

Maybe your opinion differs from mine, but hey, I’m not that social, I’m not that good at making friends in this game especially when I put my real life first and have to afk every once in awhile. If I run a dungeon myself with a 5 man team and it takes me an hour as opposed to the typical 20 minutes that a geared team can do it in, I’m happy, and I didn’t step on anyone’s toes. Not all multiboxers are jerks, but I hope that Blizzard finds a way to accomodate people like me who want to do endgame raiding but don’t have the time to farm consumes for hours at a clip without taking a break to go to the bathroom. It’s almost as if they watched that South Park episode and said “hey, that dude who has no life, ya that’s what we want our raiders to look like again.” Seriously, I thought this was a joke when I first saw it, I hope it is an Election Day Fools hardy har har, because 2020 just keeps on giving man. What a day to chooe to roll this out too.


This whole thing is about eliminating actual bots from the game. They should be getting better at detecting those and leaving us that don’t have a negative aspect on the game alone.

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its absolutely different, even the company that runs this game says so. but at the end of the day, it doesnt matter because its now considered bannable offense to blizzard.

It actually isn’t different at all, And blizzard aren’t banning multiboxing, There only banning software broadcasters, Hypervisors are fine, Hardware multiplexers are fine, Mechanical broadcasters are fine.

actually, it is different because blizzard banned it! im obviously talking about isboxer. you cant argue against it, its banned bro. live with it and find your silly loop holes.

I would agree with the first sentence, botters are the worst. However I would also argue that multiboxers DO have a negative impact on the game.

Again it’s not… The fact that alternatives exist to the same result proves that it’s not, The fact that they aren’t banning multiboxing itself proves that it is not.

theres a difference between being a giga nerd and having some weird hardware setup to run multiple accounts and a 3rd party software that does it all for you. 3rd party software to automate gameplay is now banned because its an unfair advantage. its in the tos, whats so hard to understand?

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Dumb thought, but did they do this precisely to take a measure of control back of the Auction Houses and server economies?

No longer massive amounts of ingredients on the AH farmed up by armies of multi-boxers.

The ability to make raid potions and feasts is now severely limited by a Guild or individual’s ability to farm for the materials on their own time.

This vastly increases the rarity of goods, increases their costs and makes it less likely people will make Crafting/Engineering builds because they will need to supply themselves materials for leveling their professions.

Now, folks already at Gold Cap aren’t going to be too badly affected, that much money means they can still play the AH to sit pretty atop a pile of Digital Dubloons, but it is also going to make selling WoW Tokens a lot more profitable to keep up with the inflation balloon that is going to crop up when the Multi-Boxing farm-teams disappear under a giant hammer dropped from the upper atmosphere.

Or am I overthinking this?

It’s not being banned due to unfair advantages, What’s so hard to understand here like are you intentionally being dense or what?

It’s being banned due to bots also using the software to avoid licensing costs and it’s easier to get rid of isboxer than it is to deal with the botters themselves.

Multiboxing isn’t banned, You aren’t a “giganerd” for knowing what a hypervisor is they run the whole world, And using a cheap 30 dollar hardware multiplexer isn’t expensive either.


I hate it when mum and dad fight.

Real talk though, there are cheapies? :open_mouth: tyvm <3
Time to go shopping.

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. Please note, however, that use of input broadcasting software may result in account penalties.

unlucky that bots use a program that multiboxers use. must give a unfair advantage over normal players. never said multiboxing is banned lol.

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I was curious about this multiplexor thing. However, I think I’ll just play it safe and have my other toons follow one guy around with an in game addon for now.