Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

I am completely okay with this.

I’m just sad about all the characters out there that will be abandoned now :sob:

this basically sums up i hate change because its inconvenient for me. i have to carry deadweight now? hello how about you play the game normally. it doesnt matter if they deemed it okay in past, everything in life evolves.

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Where is info on this? Asking for a friend.

Thank you god, about time.

Finally bye botters, co lateral effect are welcome if we get rid of botters

Licenses or broadcasting?

If you really think this will stop botters you’re in for a rude awakening.


Boys, boys, boys, boys… You’ve all obviously gotten too used to mirror keystroke software. If you’re telling me you can’t 2 - 4 box manually because alt tab spamming or having multiple monitors is too hard, maybe you shouldn’t be boxing in the first place, or became too comfy over the years. :wink:

(imagine blizz banning multi subs)


This won’t get rid of botters :rofl: Nothing will, it’s impossible.


No one has ever cared about people running multiple accounts as long as they are manually actioning each one. I don’t care if you have one character in Nazmir at the same time as mogging in Ice Crown.

I only care about people pressing one button to automate 20 actions, that’s what breaks the game.


Nah just hardware box :+1:

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But that’s still here :man_shrugging:

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That is an option too for me, may eventually look at. I deal fine w just alt tab spam atm cause monitors diff sizes lmao

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Sighs Time to repeat myself again


Seems that you’re spending too much effort in banning Multiboxing whilst we still have bots teleporting with hacks everywhere.

Anyway, I strongly support banning multiboxing. Hopefully it will help you identify the bots and ban them faster.

These sorts of bans are the same as security systems though, its just risk mitigation. No ban or security system will be perfect, you just have to get it to a state where it accomplishes 90% of the goal.

Will some people do what you describe? Absolutely. Will many not bother/have the resources to do that? Also absolutely. The key will be do you reduce the problem by 5%, 50% or 95%, not whether you can annihilate it 100%.

Multibox passphrase accepted
annihilate all humans


Reading into this Hardware multiplexing stuff. Seems like a lot of additional work just because they can’t detect actual bots. Looks like I’m going to have to make a little investment. My mount farming must go on.

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