Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

In before Prepared get’s banned and upset lol.

Glad that Blizzard finally recognizes that in order to run multiple instances at one requires third party software in the back ground. I know because I used to multibox back in the day and there was third party software but not much to choose from unlike today.

So… Because your too incompetent to chase down actual botters, your banning all multi-boxers… outstandingly retarded!


Hyperjacking has been a thing since March 2017, and continues to be a thing. New exploits are found all the time.

What do you think your OS is in the eyes of Blizzard?

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And are very quickly closed, I don’t think you understand how fast they are closing those holes, I don’t think you understand how much danger there is if you can interact with the Hypervisor through a VM, PS: most of those became possible due to a hardware exploit that is not on newer stuff.

A collection of po-- church photos and video games :slight_smile:

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I mean they’ve recognized it for a long time, it’s just now after 16 years of approving and defending it they decided to do so right before the expansion launch and tell everyone that they are punishing them because of the actions of some people. I mean I dualbox for mount, transmog farming and to quest and do open world activities on 2 characters at once efficiently. I’m not a hyperfarmer or anything but I’m just being told that I’m being punished for the actions of those who are.

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I have two degrees in cyber security, I understand perfectly. Virtualization should never have been viewed as a security feature to begin with.

I have a dual corded mouse. Am I allowed to have it plugged into two separate machines both running WoW?

Let me clarify: Will Blizzard be able to tell the difference between my manual inputs and me using illegal software?

Your two degree’s don’t mean crap when Virtualization is considered incredibly secure.

And you know how i know you don’t have two degree’s? You consider this botting when none of it is automated to begin with.

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nah your not being punished for anything! as long as you arent using a 3rd party program to automate gameplay on your second account of course!

I didn’t say it was botting, I said it should be banned. Yes many people consider virtualization to be secure, but they shouldn’t. Security in depth, always.

coughs Something something what the hell is this, I even bolded it for you.

The bot i was referring to is the one that claims you didn’t make a complete sentence and won’t let you post. Is that not clear by the previous sentence? Basic reading comprehension and all that.

Unless 40 of those are purchased with wow tokens. Then they lose money.

There is no bot that requires a complete sentence, There is only a minimum of 10 characters.

They lose money by making 20$ for every 15$ of credit?

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Yes there is. It pops up and says “Is this a complete sentence?” and wont let you post.

it’s not automated blizzard has defended it as not automated for years. This has no impact on bots, they don’t even use the software and bots have bigger impact than multiboxers. So yes I am being punished. I have to carry deadweight in order to do what I currently do and have spent money and time on over years in order to enjoy a playstyle and now I’m to go back to the old playstyle after spending money to do a defended and supported playstyle for years. There was not even hints of them considering a change like this, and I certainly wouldn’t have been spending my money to continue to do so if there had been.

That’s incorrect

Bots have been using broadcasting software for a while now as many bots have licenses tied to their use, Hint it allows the people selling bot software to make money, A lot of it actually.

So instead of 1 bot per client it became 1 bot per 10 clients.