Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Multiboxing, how to tell someone doesn’t have friends :rofl:

How do you come to that conclusion?

Won’t make a difference but waste your time.

Just to clarify, in-home streaming devices such as Steam Link or Shield is fine because it mirrors to one client?

The use of input broadcasting software that mirrors keystrokes to multiple WoW game clients will soon be considered an actionable offense.

Emphasis mine.

I mean i tank for a multiboxer in M+, They run 3 Boomkin and we get our weekly done easily without worrying about rando’s who are garbo


Wow we are scum…now we dont have friends…you really do be grasping for straws huh

I really do be? stating the obvious :rofl:

Attacking grammar is never a good sign.

What is this absolute garbage of a decision by blizzard? There is literally nothing wrong with multiboxing. Fix the botting issues. That is the problem area. Multiboxing is a fun niche part of this game. It can be relaxing or challenging. Playing multiple toons at once has been one of the only things keeping me playing this game the last 4-6 months. I dont abuse questing or gank in pvp. I dont have time to play 30 toons separately for dailies. I pay for 4 accounts giving blizzard a ton of money every 6 months on top of paying for expansions on all accounts. I’ve paid a substantial amount to transfer a ton of toons to my main server and to other accounts in order to do this. I’ve spent north of $600 bucks within the past 6 months for wow and wow services. Is blizzard going to refund my accounts and character services these past 6 months? This is absolutely ridiculous. I bought ISBoxer because it was considered legal and within the terms of service. I paid for all those wow services solely because i wanted to multibox. This is a very poor decision on behalf of blizzard, and should be reconsidered and overturned. If a multboxer is griefing in pvp I can see a warning or temporary ban, but people always have the option to turn off pvp. Multiboxing is an important part of what makes this game fun for me, especially since blizzard has screwed my main elemental shaman for 15 years of the 16 years I have played this game


How about laughing at it? Now I’m laughing at comprehension skills too :rofl:

I would argue laughing = attacking.

Scroll up and see my above posts before making a wall of text, Multiboxing isn’t banned, Hardware multiplexing is what’s fine, All they are doing is saying no to broadcast software, Anyone serious about multiboxing won’t be using lsboxer anyway

what do you mean?

Argue to your heart’s content :rofl:

I will? :man_shrugging:

so its ok if we pay for multiple PCs?


Yes bliz its a complete sentence. Who even programmed this bot?

Multiboxing is still fine sir and/or ma’am

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You realize this isn’t botting, And this isn’t even a ban on multiboxers right?

just use a hardware multiplexor or a hypervisor and you can still use the same PC

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It’s a step in the right direction.