Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

LOL it didnt happen cause ya know why it cant…no one can auto follow in BGs and I doubt anyone that multiboxed started anything with you…you prolly thought o a multiboxer lets go gang him and then boom u got smashed because u messed with the wrong person…that old saying dont start nothing wont be nothing thats pretty much how we are lol


You know the announcement alone is great, but then watching all these salty cry baby cheaters try to defend themselves after they’ve lost makes it so much better. TY BLIZZARD !! /Victory


Yes it is cheating. Why is it when I have both of my two accounts logged into separate clients, none of my keystrokes on my #1 client are read on #2 client?

You use 3rd party software to emulate that stroke to the other clients. It’s an unfair advantage that a normal player doesn’t have

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Was the game trash for the past 10 years?

Yes, i’m aware of that. It only took them 16 years to get rid of the part of the multiboxing that was unfair. Having multiple characters following each other is not the issue. I have no problem with multiboxing because you still need to open each client and move the team.

It isn’t cheating just because a vocal hate group calls it that.

What sort of data are you armed with to say a vocal “hate” group caused this? How does anyone know that Blizzard made this decision based upon a vocal minority?

This is some facebook comment section logic.

Also using the term hate group in relation to people against multi-boxing, especially during times like this has to be one of the most cringe things I’ve read on these forums.

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It is now :rofl:

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Most people know that. They’re referring to what makes multiboxing unfair. The single keystroke being applied to all characters and the automated botting…

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you dont have it because you choose not to…so by that same notion if I own a jeep because I can afford it and u cant and u want one is it fair for me to have to give mine up because u dont have one?

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Have you ever done it? I’ve probably reported more people for the content of their messages to me than people have reported me for how I legitimately enjoy the game. It is a hate group plain and simple.

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No it always has been. For some reason Blizzard has tolerated it until now

tldr lol

Sayonara cheaters and all your filth.

If the game developer says it’s cheating it’s cheating. I’ve always said that and I still stand by that :muscle:
If Blizz were to say tomorrow that Elvui is cheating guess what? It’s cheating.

Until now, it hasn’t been cheating :man_shrugging:


how about no!

Except nothing about it was actually automated, It was always 1 input 1 output, You can’t make multiple actions magically occur at a server level, Multiboxing doesn’t bypass the GCD, A multiboxer will never be as good as an equal amount of equally skilled people.

Broadcast software was literally the equivalent of yelling out “OI DAVE GO TURN THE LIGHTS ON” in a workplace that had multiple people named DAVE, It didn’t create additional daves, It didn’t spawn in someone called steve to wipe your backside for you, There was no automated part.

All this change does is remove the Megaphone i was using to call every dave, It doesn’t actually change anything else at the end of the day, Hardware multiplexing and hypervisor multiplexing are still VERY much a thing and very much allowed

Not to mention hardware multiplexing and using hypervisors was always more efficient.

So instead of using a Megaphone to shout out to all Daves at the same time, What i’m going to do is buy each Dave a phone, Buy multiple phones, Call every Dave and put each phone on speaker and then tell Dave to turn the lights on.

This is called hardware Multiplexing and Hypervisor Multiplexing.


They are not saying that Multiboxing is cheating

They are not even saying that broadcasted key strokes are cheats.

They specifically said that Bots are using Broadcast programs

Since they can detect broadcast programs easier than bots, they are just going after those instead


It is a hate group plain and simple.

Yeah, this is some serious oppression. The lives of your several multi-boxed characters in this video game matter.


Best Comment n explanation yet

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Worst analogy I’ve ever heard brother

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This is what concerns me, I can’t just abandon my characters like some of these people are doing :sob: All my characters are part of TeamKaurmine, none of them are worthless or worth less than any of the others.

We’re all one big happy family :slight_smile: