Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

I guess I’m in the small minority that really enjoyed that raid. Went 6/8 heroic as a blood dk, holy pally and destro lock as well as raided normal on a holy priest.

Na like I said we really dont care we are just trying to get blizz to see that we arent the bad guys…but that being said…there are some people that use it to BOT which all the multiboxers myself included hate botters we do report them I will say that cause that makes us look bad when we arent

Everyone! please start reporting the players defending 3rd party automation in game so they can get their “warnings” right away.

Pots/flasks are a crutch just play the latest broken fotm spec cause the devs can’t balance anything. It would more than easily get you the boost versus struggling on some worthless spec. Much like ret, this spec is garbage.

100% A+ sir

I’ll reply to you the same way I did an hour ago. Why not just play the game one character at a time like legitimate players


Ban me for what cause I am right or because I am proving ya all wrong?..and I love how ya all wanna be on ur alts lvl 25 lvl 10s talking smack LOL

Apparently, you can still multibox without this software. :open_mouth:

Because multiboxing adds a level of complexity to the game that is fun and interesting. You have to create macros to assist and cast spells at the target of the main and a software takes one physical keypress and sends it to both clients instead of trapping it inside of one. It’s not automation - it’s just fun.


this is the best change for gold makers that did not want to multibox that there ever was. at the end of bfa it was multibox or stop trying to compete. With one account and no multiboxing it takes about 2.5 hours for me to farm the mats for vial of the sands mount. The profit on those is only about 20k on my server. Now that multiboxers will have to slow down their efforts and will have a very hard time defending themselves from my attacks I think the margin will go up for me. I am super excited that prices are going up.

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as this software is used to support botting and automated gameplay.

Since you are only concerned about people using this kind of software as an interface between WoW and Bots-R-Us, why dont you go ahead and tweak Battle.Net Launcher to communicate between accounts linked to the Battle.net

That way you have a secure interface that can only accept secure commands
battle.net chat already sends information from 1 screen to the next as it is.

This would also limit Multiboxing to 5 since Battlenet has a cap on licenses and you would also be able to limit any form of automation that you are afraid of.


If you’re playing SL and you see a team of Alliance hunters from Stormrage /waving at everyone in [the starting quest area I won’t spoil] that’s me! /wave back :]

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and I will ask u again until this stupid annoucement it wasnt against TOS matter of fact it still isnt against TOS the software we use is

Give this guy a apple for the teacher

Couldn’t agree more - Blizzard should just have one official signed client that we have to use instead of non signed clients that botters could make their bots appear to be on the system.

Hot For Teacher starts playing in my head

Man I miss Eddie


It was ok when it was current content, but farming it now with all the RP and mechanics dozens of times a week is agonizing.

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I dont even know what ur stance on this is or why u put the Roy in on it but it deserved a like lol

you multibox, straight to jail

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then they could make it so every recourse node or mob could only be looted once per account. That way people could still multibox without ruining the economy.