Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

You play the game like scum and blizz layed down the law. It’s so bad that theyre happy to lose subs over it. Really think about that.

The increase of herb prices will be amazing. I can actually go out and farm gold on one legitimate account and feel like I’m not missing out on something by not cheating.


I’m hoping Blizz adds more mog to the cash shop to cover their losses


Blizz plz :heart_eyes_cat:

Typical response from childish snowflakes… someone has more of something than me… so they MUST be cheating. Pathetic. It was perfectly legal (until now) and there are multiple blue posts to prove it. If it was against the TOS before now - there would be no need to “change” the rules (as the article clearly indicates they are doing).


I must talk that way in order that the ev… er overlords can relate.

(Plus it is a bit of RP. Have you heard of RP? The toon was murdered by the overlords when they decided to add exp to bgs. Two+ hour warsongs were amazing. It wasn’t about leveling, getting gear, or gold. It was about fun.)

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Weird RP crossing real world with game, but i’ll give it to you.

You know that could have been fixed by reverting to ‘one node one loot’ yeah?
Everyone’s saying hurray for banning multibox farming druids when I’m sitting here traumatized because I’m going to have a more difficult time leveling 20 toons simultaneously for the Love Rocket in February that I won’t get anyways. D:

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Better watch out they multi report if you get them mad.

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LOL did a multiboxer hurt your feelings cause u seem to be nerd raging over something that has ZERO impact on u…and this is why I say it has ZERO impact…First thing I heard was there taking to many nodes umm I can be on 10 toons or 1 toon once u hit that node u have x amount of time to also hit it dioesnt matter how many times I hit it…another thing I was told your cheating cause your killing all the mobs at once so if me and 10 of my friends go farming whats the difference there playing as well instead of just me why does that matter? I promise u if you actually sit and think about it what I am saying makes perferct sense…if u have any other comments about how it affects u please tell me and I am sure I can explain why it isnt.
But thanks for playing

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So how do I go about getting a refund for the multiple copies of Shadowlands I foolishly pre-purchased? And for the game time I will no longer be using?

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I amuse myself with UBI in Azeroth, Free Mythic Gear for all, tax the 1%, and ban swords and guns in Azeroth. Also something needs to be done about racism against my Gnomish People. Everyone wants to kick me. Never forgot and do not be fooled Azeroth is FLAT!

Cheaters lose today! /victory ty blizz!

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Duplicating your efforts through 1 keystroke with a high degree of synchronization is too much power.

It destroys the concept of what a character is and provides an incentive to indulge more money into the game than a standard sub in order to retain lost economic prowess because someone else bent the spirit of the rules.


Actually no we wont I dont know of any multiboxers that report anyone for anything most of us are to busy farming gold and ore and herbs and making the AH prices level to worry what ya all are doing

I mean here on these forums.

The fact it even took them this long to take action is astounding.


Still saves some time. Any amount of time saved in Dragon Soul is priceless.


I pay for all my subs with money not gold I pay for all my accts with money not gold…I maintain the AH prices I keep flasks food etc at reasonable prices but without multiboxers I can tell u now it wont be like that come SL

ban this guy

ban this one too, obvious bot, can’t be human.