Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

This has nothing to do with fairness. The idiots at Blizzard think that botters use multiboxing software, but they don’t. Everyone can multibox if they want to so it isn’t unfair. It’s never been against tos and there are blizzard blue posts saying that it is allowed. Besides, there were multiboxers in vanilla wow.

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Sorry but the damage multiboxers were doing to the game outweighs yours RP multiboxing.

You can still put them on follow you just can’t play them both at the same time because that’s cheating.

I’m still going to report any boxer I see regardless. :slight_smile:


Yeah look turns out I was right all along when I’d say “I’m aware this isn’t violate the rules but it should”

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Yep if you are willing to run each client on a separate computer and perhaps some virtual server fudging there’s no way to detect that.


Unless you’re playing a class who doesn’t need help. Why shouldn’t I have the benefits they do? Why should I need someone else’s permission to play when another player doesn’t?

Why does any of this effect anyone else?

You can still play both at the same time. People really need to realize this isn’t the big change they think it is.

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Once you automate something, it isn’t hard. That is the point of automation. I’d bet you $100 right now that hackers have already prepared for this, and will experience little-to-no downtime because they’ve already found ways to automate without the things that Blizzard is going to make bannable.


Do not take that bet. They are most definitely prepared. Circumventing this is trivial without resorting to the “giant room full of poorly-paid gold farmers” strat.

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I’m talking about the once a week raid boss in the world

Not some chump blue quest that’s elite

I have 0 idea what bosses this guy could realistically be facing and not be able to pub stomp

Yeah, but most multi boxers don’t want to go into that effort to multi box. By doing this, it is forcing them to be at the computer at all times instead of automating their character movements and actions.


Well say goodbye to half of wows player population. Oh and all your mats, and easily farmed gears are about to triple in price. NICE

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Hmm, I have to congratulate the Blizzard staff. I had never had a post hidden until this thread (so a first for me hurray :slight_smile: ). Blizzard restored in 10 minutes, are they usually that fast or just interested in this thread?

They need to take the /follow command out of the game to make this really stick.


I"m very happy for this change

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They break the ones they feel affect the game poorly. There was one a while back, that allowed you to basically draw in the game, real time, and not have to use the markers/flags. They broke that, so it didn’t function. Most addons meant to be helpful, either end up becoming part of the game (like how oQueue ended up becoming the LFG dungeon finder/pvp finder/etc), or end up being supported/they tell you if you ask about something GM-wise, that it’s a helpful addon they recommend.

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So am I. Those are easy.

You’re not that important. Sorry. :rofl:


Okay I understand your point. But it is a logical fallacy. You aren’t arguing that multiboxing is unfair. You are arguing that is undesirable. And after determining it to be undesirable you are now declaring it unfair.

If your definition of fair is that " things in game should be done based on my interpretation of the source material to ensure immersion and the game fantasy is kept alive" then I find your definition of fair to be incorrect.

To me a game being fair means " the results of an action taken by one player is the same as the result taken by any other player.

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Wow, bringing back the 2003 memes.
So they’re solving a piece of the problem but not the entire thing, therefore I should be… not happy they’re fixing something?

If it leads to a decrease in swarms of multiboxers camping sections of zones for days on end, it’s a positive.

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