Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

I don’t know, if I challenge you to a game of chess and then have an army of gorilla cyborgs beat you up during your turn I’d call that a bit unfair.


From every other person trying to pick herbs in the game:



WOOOO. Yeeeaaaah baby! That’s what I’ve been waiting for, that’s what it’s all about.


Because if you don’t have much money in your real life or down on your luck in real life and someone else is in a good spot, they can have an advantage over you, especially when mining herbing and mining nodes and whatnot.

It’s a crime against immersion

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Okay that makes sense. As you were.

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I dunno bro my details add on doesn’t really let me kill stuff 5 times faster and get 5 times the gold


…you were saying?


Botters don’t use multi boxing tools to bot this may be the dumbest thing blizzard has ever said.

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That wasn’t a crime against fantasy, that was simply a crime against fashion.

You should be banned just for reminding me about that.

My issue is that squishy players can’t do things in the open world that durable players can, which is unfair to us. I shouldn’t need to hire a paladin or DH to tank my WQ mobs for me, especially when I can just turn my head slightly to the left and have one taunt and hold. Guildies aren’t always online and when they are, they’re other players with feelings, not likeminded servants whose only purpose is to fly out and run my quests for me.

I’m not responsible for your immersion, but I’m sorry if seeing my trio upset you.


Finally! My forum signature payed off at last!




So people have multi toons to rollplay? With their own other toons? I don’t quite understand. Isn’t the idea to role play with others than yourself??

Color me confused.

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That would be hilarious, but I doubt it. And why should it? A KVM allows you to switch your keyboard and video (and other USB devices) between different PCs. You can run multiple Clients on Windows or a Mac and do the same thing withWindows-Key-Tab or Alt-Tab (to switch between Client windows.


This is the best news I’ve ever heard in the last 15 years.


You did it bro hahah

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I don’t really care one way or another about multiboxing. I’m just glad I won’t have to see anymore threads about it.

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What mobs do you really kill 5 times faster?? Most mobs at max lvl are 2 shotted anyways?

Except it won’t end.