True. I don’t necessarily trust their detection software to differentiate though, so, personally, I am going to uninstall AutoHotKey from the two PCs I run WoW on just for good measure and because I can do what I need to do with AHK on a PC not used for gaming or simply remotely if I have to in the future.
It wasn’t then, but it is now. Laws change.
Hey a chance for professions to become relevant again.
Look at this optimist right here
From the beginning they said they don’t support third party MXing software.
Surprised it took this long, really.
you really shouldn’t be clicking
I’m gona have to say hitting someone with 1 keystroke with 5-40 abilities(big time boxers) is not fair.
Does everyone have the ability to do this? Yes does that make it fair on paper yes that would be fair. Everyone has the ability to do this.
I would say the new definition of fair is now doing this same scenario but having to swap between 5-40 accounts and hit every button.
You aren’t forced to play more than one character, sooo… how is that affecting you?
Death to multiboxing!
Better late than never.
Well, this has no effect on my one little toon toddling along after the other lol.
…you were saying?
This is total bs. Multiboxing software is specifically designed so that it can’t be used for botting. They are doing this to combat the botters but it won’t help at all for that. All this is going to do is hurt the people that are multiboxing which has been around since vanilla, but it will do nothing at all to stop the botting. The multiboxing software most people use(isboxer) specifically has things written so that it can’t jsut be used for botting and follows the one click one action behavior Blizzard said is needed. All this is going to do is dramatically reduce the amount of subscriptions to the game, while not hurting the botters at all. BAD CALL BLIZZARD!
This should’ve happened YEARS AGO.
But I’m glad they’re finally putting an end to it.
Multiboxing has always been a net negative for the game.
No that’s fair, I used my credit card cooldown and they weren’t ready for it.
that’s just skill, come on.
Are ingame addons concidered to be third party softwares?
How many uses DBM? Doesn’t that give an ingame advantage?
Notes addon for displaying nodes?
Rare-scanners to find chests / rares.
New UI do give the player an advantage by changing the default UI.
Custom Nameplates?
YES! Finally! Thank you.
I did in my original post but aight
“act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.”
is being able to use multiple characters at once unfair to the vast majority of players? To efficiently multibox requires third party software in order to control all those characters. Most people are also unable to run such things due to hardware limitations. Therefore this is cheating regardless of what Blizz’s stance is as I originally stated.
Just wanted to say thank you blizzard for supporting our style of gameplay from 2004-present. It was a lot of fun.
To all the players that support the banning of multiboxing, I feel all you have done is push blizzard to ruin an optional gameplay system for legit multiboxers. All the multibotters flying around with their large scale teams of druids are still going to be there causing havoc on the economy. We all know that blizzard can never ban fast enough. I too don’t approve of these farming teams going around.
Also wanted to point out for those that don’t know, multiboxing can be done very simply without software. You literally can just grab a wireless keyboard / mouse and have the same frequency broadcast to multiple computers running wow clients. This is how it was done back in 2005 before software was available.
I really feel like there will be zero change with the multi botters with this new policy from blizzard. But it’s there game!
I’ve been playing wow since 2004, multiboxing 5 accounts since 2005 and have never had 1 infraction on my account. Thanks for the fun times. Good luck and have fun everyone.
It will decrease their revenue.
Aren’t they getting rid of following in Shadowlands?