Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Over the years myself and so many others have complained about multiboxing for so many years. Finally blizzard has decided to rek them.

I’m so happy the " multiboxing isn’t cheating nor does it break any rules" scrubs now have to accept that it does. For years you people were allowed to cheat and now it’s over.

The only thing better than this is turtles, boy do I love turtles! :turtle:

Multiboxing still isn’t cheating, according to Blizz…nor does it break any rules. Players do that.

For the length of the game’s reign, multiboxing has been and still IS allowed. The only change has been the banning of the software tools. Now the dedicated boxers will simply revert back to the old school (and some new school) hardware methods. Problem solved.

It’s really cute you think that was going to destroy boxing!


This is a bad idea.

Sounds like hate speech to me.


This will make multiboxing impossible and multiboxers pay for each of their accounts. The problem is people not seeing the difference between multiboxing and botting. For a multiboxer this is like removing the stearing wheel in a car.


It is exactly this

And it’s not going to stop the druid botting packs anyway so…


I just witnessed mass botting like yesterday. So, this changes will fix things how?

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I’m not sure how UI add-ons or other add-ons that auto input, sort, post etc aren’t called broadcasting? Don’t they have to mouse click or secretly represent clicks to make things work on the original UI from the addon? isn’t DBM broadcasting when a tank calls a count down? Discord broadcasts.

I think some specific language is in order.

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Or they just revert this ban on “broadcasting” and put some actual limits in place that allow them to ban the botting packs.


I’m really sad. Soooooo SAD.
In my humble opnion this isn’t going to be a magical solution for market values like delusional people think. Hey! It’s gonna be great for farming again. Prices will still be expensive at the start(since the supply is low and demand is high) and get real cheap as the xpac gets more old.
This won’t be the end of people who multibox for profit, and won’t be the end to people who multibox for fun they will just stop or play another game. Blizzard won’t be affected by this, they make a lot of money on micro transactions, 50k-100k less subs won’t be a big impact for a company as the size of Activision.
The sadness come from the fact: How blizzard will know if someone is using a software or hardware to multibox? They will have to search outside the game memory and this is way to intrusive, it does not matter if you are in favor or against mbox YOU HAVE TO BE AGAINST A COMPANY LOOKING IN YOUR COMPUTER MEMORY. And so few people on a 2000+ posts notice this. I don’t think this act will make any difference on the game as it is today, maybe I’m wrong and the game gets better, only time will tell.
Most of the posts feel like someone who had just one or few bad experiences with mbxers and light his torch to go on a witch hunt screaming mboxers are ruining the game. I think blizzard MUST give refunds for the remaining game time and SL for people who ask it, this is a new rule, from here onwards you either abide or get a penalty they seem fit, it’s not fair they doesn’t give refunds for something it hasn’t been used yet.
Blizzard won’t back out on this rule, no matter how much people complain here, so this topic should be closed, no point keep discussing it.
Well, that’s only my 2 cents, oh! wait my opinion is not worth that much, my 0.01 cents.
Laters, have fun

It won’t. Botters will still bot, and the people that do planned for this action long ago; it won’t slow them down in the least.

People like me, who have multiboxed for 14 years and enjoyed it immensely, are the ones that are kinda put off by this. We’ll figure out solutions (KMV, hardware, virtual machines) but those solutions sometimes are outside the skillset of folks that weren’t hurting anyone. This “ban” will accomplish little, other than to drive some of the playerbase away from the game.

It is really kind of a sad, stupid thing - I was really looking forward to 5 boxing classic through TBC the way I have for so long. I’ll get it back up and running, but throwing inconveniences at people isn’t the way to fix problems. /shrug


More like AI assist got removed, the pedals and steering wheel were always there. You antis come up with some colorful crap, and awesomely bad analogies, wow.

I have never used ISBoxer - they have AI? I always used a very simple software that did nothing but allow the keys I specified to be sent to all the wow accounts instead of one and for a key press to allow a click to go to all. There’s nothing AI about that.

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I assume Karen was taken.


That was an extension of a bad analogy, not a comparison or description of ISBoxer.

Good. Kill multiboxing with fire. :+1:



To me it feels more like the engine has been swapped out for a lawn mower motor. Multiboxing was clean, quick, and interesting. It has been turned into something slow and clunky. Yes, technically it can still be done but the only thing it actually lends itself to is controlling resource nodes and dungeon boosting.

It feels like the people who made this decision didn’t really understand multiboxing and only viewed it through the eyes of the players who were using it to cheat. One of the most disappointing posts I’ve seen is from a Blizz employee explaining multiboxing is still okay and the only change is players just can’t use the broadcasting software. If that employee really understood how much more fun the game play experience was while multiboxing they would know enough to realize that technicality is pointless.


I don’t know about you guys but I just got a warning email and i don’t even use any input software. I put in a ticket hopeful they can explain to me what’s going on.

Weird… im still rolling and no email so far. They have to clarify this “soon” thing.

Sadly the ticket response just sent me a link to this post so it was 100% worthless