Ask refund as soon as possible. Mine was denied cause it was “too old” to refund.
As a player that ran into an obvious multiboxer mob, I applaud the decision.
I couldn’t farm whatever was in the area because they were killing everything, to the point I had to give up on the quest and return later. It’s impossible that one person was controlling them all with ALT+TAB.
To those that say that “eliminating multiboxers” with the 3rd party ban “will ruin the economy ”… naah. It’s just that gold will be more fairly distributed instead of being in the hands of the AH monopolists.
Also, it’s saddening to see multiboxing players saying it’s a “fun” way to play without thinking for a second that they ruin the game experience to everyone around (see 1st paragraph).
Time for multiboxers to actually spend the money they’ve saved in tokens to buy hardware so they can keep doing their s**t. Love it.
You assume that all multiboxers do it for farming. I was out there questing just like you - no different than you. My activities did not ruin the experience for other players at all unless they’re simply part of the multiboxer hate group that fumes from the ears any time they see someone that plays differently than they do. In fact I would often invite others as I just dual-box so that they could get quests completed that they would not have been able to do on their own.
If you just dual-box you’re in the OK area since you CAN play with ALT+TAB and /follow, and therefore the 3rd party program ban wouldn’t affect you anyways.
The complaints are for the 5+ mobs that gather/kill everything on sight (that are obviously not using ALT+TAB)
They’re already doing it. I didn’t find out about the policy change until the evening after Tuesday maintenance so I played for about 2 or 3 hours that afternoon. Blizzard flagged me within that time but I didn’t get the notification about it until Thursday. They also claimed to have possibly removed the items I acquired during my “exploitative” gameplay of using my 48 hunter to run my 29 warrior through Gnomeregan. I haven’t played my characters since so the warnings have to be from that time.
Hello, I purchased 3 different wow accounts on my Bnet account. I planned to main 3 toons (1 tank, 1 dps, 1 healer) one on each account and level them at the same time in SL, i had been doing this before with assaults/dailies for this last tier. I used isboxer for broadcasting and after reading the new policy on using key broadcasting software i want to know if ill be banned for this in SL. I’m assuming this policy change may have something to do with people attempting to exploit in more extreme cases that effect other players/ economy. Would my case be any different if im just leveling 3 toons? Thanks for the help!
You’ll be banned.
The policy will affect everyone that uses 3rd party applications to broadcast commands to multiple clients.
- no matter if it’s just leveling a bunch of characters or it’s for extreme farming.
- no matter if you broadcast to 1 or 50 other clients.
So yeah, if you keep using ISBoxer you’ll most probably be warned (and then banned if you don’t stop using it after the warning)
Thanks for the reply. Was hoping blizz would allow some leeway…oh well. Now to figure out if anything can be refunded from buying those 2 extra accounts lol
If you want to try asking for a refund, better do it sooner than later.
…wait. What do you mean with “buying accounts”?
I added 2 accounts on my bnet and upgraded both to SL. So 2 preorders…
The way I understand it, you can get a refund.
I always just considered multiboxing to be another part of the game. I multibox to help my twinks keep their experience gain low and get them the items they need. It’s not like it was easy to multibox at first. Just like everything else in the game it takes practice to get better at. The majority of multiboxers I ever ran into were heading into dungeons, not bothering anybody else’s farming. I get how it can be used for bad, but so can a bunch of other crap. How is the botting ban wave coming? You know, those programs that players use and they don’t even have to work for what they earn? I guess its easier to spot the ones that actually use their keyboard to play.
It’s honestly not that bad gathering and leveling with 4 following accounts on a main account. I have a big windowed mode for my main and 4 shrunk down ones underneath. Most of the people complaining are the ones with 9-39 extra accounts. Those are the one’s who were truly destroying the market and doing the most griefing in open world pvp. No pity for them.
4 extra accounts is plenty to gather up whatever you need to reinforce your main raiding toons or whatever without being reliant on anyone else or the AH. And you have an army to queue up for the love rocket, farm panda world boss mounts, old raids, etc etc. Profession shuffling is also easier since you don’t need to log out and log in constantly. Just an alt tab away.
If you only have 4 extra accounts, try it out before you cancel the subs.
Oh. Don’t forget about multitap mining and herbing nodes!
Multi-tap was a solution to the problem of cross realm zones and lower populated realms not getting as much of a share of the zones materials when dominated by other realms.
Havent they been merging realms and AHs? Doesnt that make multitap nodes obsolete now?
Yes and no. The zone shards themselves are still cross realm and not exclusive to the connected realm. They connected realms to solve some of the issues of permitting transfers to overly populated realms leaving many realms heavily underpopulated. The connected realms share guilds, mail and auction house. Keeping the realm names is just a courtesy thing so people don’t have to rename because someone else had the name or mourn the loss of their realm name. The connected realms, however; are still part of cross realm shards. RP realms are treated a bit differently though to maintain some of their individual identities. With the first batch of connected realms they did connect RP realms, but after the outcry of attempting to connect a realm with Proudmore it seems that they’re simply no longer risking connecting RP realms as I was expecting my realm to have an announced connection in one of the batches but never saw one.
I dont see the reason for your thinking " gonna be pissed lmao" He was doing this long before paying with gold was a thing, long before software was available. He was investing in and having fun showing others like myself how to enjoy this game if got bored with endgame. And if i had his rl money to invest in fun like paying for all this, guaranteed i wouldnt just rely on one game to pass the time.
and will effectively affect all the tricky hobbits who think that Blizzard will give them a pass if they claim their actioned accounts were hardware input broadcasting, not software, no sirree!