Plz don't ever unlock cross armor type Mogs

What are you talking about. I’m not trolling…

Do you not wanna maintain class fantasy like me??

Yes, thank you

I personally need a xmog that gets my need for the genocide of gnomes across which does in fact align with my race as a goblin

This I agree with. Mog restrictions are silly. Limitations of ANY kind are silly. We need a Race/Class/Faction unlock in Midnight. We’re long overdue.


You can find that in the Scarlet Library. It’s a tome called “Godwin’s Law: A Goblin’s Tale” :rofl:

feels like bait…lmao
Sorry OP but this bridge was crossed way back in classic. lol

Heres a PRIEST CLOTH set, lol

Seriously NOT clothy looking to me

same cloth set, different color

More cloth that looks more plate than some plate sets do…lol

MAGE CLOTH…doesnt look like cloth to me…looks like a mage in PLATE

more cloth that doesnt look like cloth

HERE IS PLATE…that looks no more plate than any of the above.

AND HERES PLATE…that looks more like mail armor, lol

guess my immersion is busted. lol

NO ONE HERE is going around checking class versus mogs and every one here KNOWS it.
Stop with this ‘muh immersion’ crap…thanks


This is “plate”…lmao… the ‘immersion’ was broken back in classic, lol

Im not Einstein but those dont LOOK like PLATE to me. lol


Not gunna lie. I would love to mix and match different armor type appearances.

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imma find it and start killing gnomes with it


No they’re not they maintain the themes blizz have worked on for decades


That mog is definitely a choice.

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just a bait thread looking for attention.
Blizzard ruined the ops class immersion in classic…and with EVERY cosmetic set they release…

just one more topic that should be off limits because its nothing but an argument starter in here.

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Yup, one that upholds paladin themes to get the point across that mog restrictions must remain

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Certainly proof that the Village People were incomplete without a Paladin :yellow_heart:

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Cosmetic sets are fine, they do nothing in terms of ruining class fantasy. If anything they promote them. I mean hello??

lmao…deflecting reality doesnt nullify it.
your whining about class fantasy that doesnt exist in this game anymore as far as armor appearance goes. lol
And RARELY existed at all for some armor types like Mail that has VERY FEW sets that even resemble REAL mail armor, lmao.

You clearly did this thread for attention and youre not getting another second of mine

You don’t play much basketball or dodgeball do you? Or any sport that Involves catching balls

I think it’s more satire than troll.

Doesn’t change the fact I still wanna cross mog!

Stop repressing me Blizzard! I wanna live my truth!

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No! Rogues looks like rogues.

Paladins look paladins.

I will not be silenced!

And factually no one is going around checking everybody’s transmog to make sure that their class and transmog appearances are aligned LOL

And frankly I would worry about the mental well-being of anybody that had that much time to run around checking everybody’s transmog to make sure that it’s correct for their class LOL

As I pointed out above go try to find sets of mail armor appearances that actually look like real mail armor. There aren’t a whole lot of them that actually look like mail so the op here is literally whining about nothing when there’s an entire armor type that doesn’t even have very many appearances that look like it to begin with

Every time this topic comes up it’s somebody just trying to stir up trouble in here and that’s all that this usually ends up doing


/Face palm x3

Throws ball underhand